Frédéric In-Albon
Player: BigFred
Team: Swiss snipers
Factions used: Deathguard
Army Points: 2000
Reinforcement points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 13
Pre Game Stratagems: gifts of decay (2x => 2 PC), Martial Legacy (2x=> 2PC)
Starting Command Points: 8
Warlord & Trait:
Army Trait :-
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 84
To the Last Units: plagueburst crawler, plagueburst crawler, the unit of five deathshrouds
Titan Hunter:N/A
Bring it Down: 6
Assassination: 15
Abhor the Witch: 6
== Deathguard – The Inexorable – Bataillon = 0 2000Points ==
HQ1 : Malignant plaguecaster(95), [PSY]: Smite, Miasma of pestilence, Putrescent vitality, Warlord, Warlord trait : arch- contaminator [5 PL, 95]
HQ2 : Typhus(165) [PSY]: Smite, Curse of the leper, Gift of plagues [9 PL, 165]
Troop1 : 17 poxwalkers(50 + 7*5) [5 PL, 85]
Troop2 : 17 poxwalkers(50 + 7*5) [5 PL, 85]
Troop3 : 17 poxwalkers(50 + 7*5) [5 PL, 85]
Elit1 : Biologus Putrifier(65) Relic: Plague skull of glothila, [4 PL, 65]
Elit1’ : Foul Blightspawn(75), (Deadly Pathogen) viscous death(10), Relic (gifts of decay – 1PC): Revolting stench-vats [5 PL, 85]
Elit1’’ : Tallyman(70), Relic(gifts of decay – 1PC): Tollkeeper [4 PL, 70]
Elit2 : 3 Deathshroud Terminators(150), Deathshroud Champion(0), 1 additional plaguespurt gauntlet (5) [7 PL, 155]
Elit3 : 5 Deathshroud Terminators (150 + 2*50), Deathshroud Champion(0), 1 additional plaguespurt gauntlet(5) [14 PL, 255]
Elit4 : 3 Deathshroud Terminators(150), Deathshroud Champion(0), 1 additional plaguespurt gauntlet (5) [7 PL, 155]
Elit5 : Chaos contemptor dreadnought(140), 2 twin volkite culverin(2*5), 1 Hellforged cyclone missile launcher(25) (Martial Legacy – 1PC) [8 PL, 175]
Elit6 : Chaos contemptor dreadnought(140), 2 twin volkite culverin(2*5), 1 Hellforged cyclone missile launcher(25) (Martial Legacy – 1PC) [8 PL, 175]
HS1 : Plagueburst crawler(165), 2 Entropy Canon (10), 1 Heavy slugger(0) [9 PL, 175]
HS2 : Plagueburst crawler(165), 2 Entropy Canon (10), 1 Heavy slugger(0) [9 PL, 175]