Lyzanor - Warriors of the Dark Gods
780 - Feldrak Ancestor, Paired Weapons (Supernatural Dexterity)
680 - Chosen Lord, General, Black Steed, Shield (Dusk Forged), Hand Weapon (Burning Portent), Dragonfire Gem, Gluttony, Idol of Spite
535 - Chosen Lord, Black Steed, Shield, Lance, Binding Scroll, Lucky Charm, Gluttony, Entropic Aura
290 - 10 Warriors, Lust, Champion
290 - 10 Warriors, Lust, Champion
204 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Paired Weapons, Musician, Champion
119 - 8 Warhounds
451 - 9 Warrior Knights, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion
350 - Battleshrine, Icon of the Infinite
310 - Battleshrine
490 - Feldrak Elder, Paired Weapons