Giuseppe "Dread Monk" Conti
+ PLAYER 8: Giuseppe Conti
+ PLAYER TOURNEYKEEPER PROFILE: giuseppe conti (****)
+ ARMY (Factions used): Eldar Craftworlds
== Primary Detachment: Eldar Craftworlds Combined Arms Detachment ==
HQ1: Farseer (100), Eldar Jetbike (15), The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan (15) - [130pts] - WARLORD
HQ2: Farseer (100), Eldar Jetbike (15), Singing Spear (5) - [120pts]
TROOPS1: 3 Windriders (51), 3x Scatter Laser (3x10) - [81pts]
TROOPS2: 3 Windriders (51), 3x Scatter Laser (3x10) - [81pts]
TROOPS3: 3 Windriders (51), 3x Scatter Laser (3x10) - [81pts]
TROOPS4: 3 Windriders (51), 3x Scatter Laser (3x10) - [81pts]
TROOPS5: 3 Windriders (51) - [51pts]
TROOPS6: 3 Windriders (51) - [51pts]
FAST1: 5 Warp Spiders (95) - [95pts]
FAST2: 5 Warp Spiders (95) - [95pts]
FAST3: 5 Warp Spiders (95) - [95pts]
HEAVY1: 2 Vaul's Wrath Support Battery (30+30), 2x Shadow Weaver (2x0) - [60pts]
HEAVY2: Vaul's Wrath Support Battery (30), D-cannon (25) - [55pts]
HEAVY3: Vaul's Wrath Support Battery (30), D-cannon (25) - [55pts]
LOW1: Wraithknight (295), 2x Heavy Wraithcannon (2x0), 2x Scatter Laser (2x15) - [325pts]
FORTIFICATION1: Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker (55), Comms Relay (20) - [75pts]
== Secondary Detachment: Aspect Host ==
FAST1: 5 Warp Spiders (95), Warp Spider Exarch upgrade (10) - [105pts]
FAST2: 5 Warp Spiders (95), Warp Spider Exarch upgrade (10) - [105pts]
FAST3: 5 Warp Spiders (95), Warp Spider Exarch upgrade (10) - [105pts]