PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Chaos Space Marines Combined Arms Detachment (Codex: Chaos Space Marines)
HQ1: Kharn the Batrayer [160] -WARLORD]
HQ2: Cypher [190]
TROOPS1: 10 Chaos Cultists [50]
TROOPS2: 10 Chaos Cultists [50]
SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Cyclopia Cabal Formation (Codex Supplement: Black Legion)
HQ1: Sorcerer (60), Force Axe (0), Mastery Level 3 (50), Spell Familiar (15), Melta Bombs (5), Chaos Bike (20), Veterans of the Long War (5) [155]
HQ2: Sorcerer (60), Force Stave (0), Mastery Level 3 (50), Spell Familiar (15), Jump pack (15), Veterans of the Long War (5) [145]
HQ3: Sorcerer (60), Force Stave (0), Mastery Level 3 (50), Spell Familiar (15), Jump pack (15), Veterans of the Long War (5) [145]
HQ4: Sorcerer (60), Force Axe (0), Mastery Level 3 (50), Spell Familiar (15), Chaos Bike (20), Veterans of the Long War (5) [150]
TERTIARY DETACHMENT: Gorepack Formation (Codex: Khorne Daemonkin)
FA1: 3 Chaos Bikers (76), Melta Bombs (5) [81]
FA2: 3 Chaos Bikers (76), Melta Bombs (5) [81]
FA3: 13 Flesh Hounds [208]
QUARTERNARY DETACHMENT: Forsworn Knight Detachment (Imperial Knights: Renegade)
LOW1: Renegade Knight (325), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannons and Heavy Flamers (110) [435]
TOTAL: [1850]