Ciaran Gibb
TEAM: Canada
PLAYER 5: Ciaran Gibb
ARMY: Space Marines
== Primary Detachment: Space Marine Gladius Strike Force (White Scars Chapter Tactics) ==
=Battle Demi Company Formation=
HQ1: Kor'sarro Khan [125pts] WARLORD
ELITE1: Command Squad (90), Mount on Space Marine Bikes (35), 2 Meltagun (2x10), 1 Meltabomb (5), Razorback DT (0), Twinlinked Heavy Bolter (0) [150pts]
TROOPS1: Tactical Squad (70), Gravcannon and Gravamp (35), Rhino DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) [105pts]
TROOPS2: Tactical Squad (70), Gravcannon and Gravamp (35), Rhino DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) [105pts]
TROOPS3: Tactical Squad (70), Gravcannon and Gravamp (35), Rhino DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) [105pts]
FA1: Assault Squad (70), 2 Flamer (2x5), Razorback DT (0), Twinlinked Heavy Bolter (0) [80pts]
HS1: Devastator Squad (70), 2 Gravcannon and Gravamp (2X35), Rhino DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) [140pts]
=Battle Demi Company Formation=
HQ2: Chaplain (90), The Hunter's Eye (20), Bolt Pistol (0), Crozius Arcanum (0) [110pts]
ELITE2: Command Squad (90), Mount on Space Marine Bikes (35), 2 Meltagun (2x10), 1 Meltabomb (5), Drop Pod (0), Storm Bolter (0) [150pts]
TROOPS4: Tactical Squad (70), Gravcannon and Gravamp (35), Rhino DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) [105pts]
TROOPS5: Tactical Squad (70), Gravcannon and Gravamp (35), Rhino DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) [105pts]
TROOPS6: Tactical Squad (70), Gravcannon and Gravamp (35), Rhino DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) [105pts]
FA2: Assault Squad (70), 2 Flamer (2x5), Razorback DT (0), Twinlinked Heavy Bolter (0) [80pts]
HS2: Devastator Squad (70), 2 Gravcannon and Gravamp (2X35), Rhino DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) [140pts]
=10th Company Task Force Formation=
TROOP7: Scout Squad (55pts), Bolter x 5 (0), Bolt Pistol x 5 (0), Land Speeder Storm DT (40), Heavy Bolter (0), Cerberus Launcher (0) [95pts]
TROOP8: Scout Squad (55pts), Bolter x 5 (0), Bolt Pistol x 5 (0), Land Speeder Storm DT (40), Heavy Bolter (0), Cerberus Launcher (0) [95pts]
TROOP9: Scout Squad (55pts), Bolter x 5 (0), Bolt Pistol x 5 (0) [55pts]