+ TEAM : Ukraine
+ PLAYER 6: Svyatoslav (Melfeckar)Horiachkovskyi
+ ARMY (Factions used): Astra Militarum+Chaos Daemons+Officio Assasinorum
== Primary Detachment : Astra Militarum (Combined arms detachment): ==
HQ 1: Company Command Squad (60 pt.) [61 pt.]
Company Commander:; Boltgun(1pt.); - Warlord
Troops 1: Veterans (60pt.), Veteran Sergeant: Boltgun(1pt.) [61 pt.]
Troops 2: Veterans (60pt.), Veteran Sergeant: Boltgun(1pt.) [61 pt.]
Heavy support 1:Wyvern Battery (65pt.) [65 pt.]
Heavy support 2:Wyvern Battery (65pt.) [65 pt.]
Heavy support 3:Wyvern Battery (65pt.) [65 pt.]
Lords of War1:Stormsword (485pt.) [485 pt.];
Fortifications:Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker(55 pt.), Comms relay(20 pt.), Escape Hatch(25 pt.); [100 pt.]
== Secondary Detachment : Chaos Daemons (Combined arms detachment): ==
HQ2: The Masque of Slaanesh (75 pt.) [75 pt.]
HQ3: Herald of Slaanesh (45 pt.), Steed of Slaanesh(15 pt.); Exalted Rewards(30 pt.); [90 pt.]
HQ4: Herald of Slaanesh (45pt.), Steed of Slaanesh(15 pt.); Exalted Locus of Beguilement(30 pt.); Greater Rewards(20 pt.); [110 pt.]
Troops3: 3 Nurglings (45pt.) [45 pt.]
Troops4: 3 Nurglings (45pt.) [45 pt.]
Fast attack1: 13 Seekers of Slaanesh (12pt.х12=144 pt.), Heartseeker (17pt.), Chaos Icon(10 pt.); [171 pt.]
Heavy Support: Burning Chariot of Tzeentch (100 pt.) Blue Horror Crew(10 pt.); [110 pt.]
Fortifications: Void shield generator (50 pt.), add. shields (25x2=50 pt.); [100 pt.]
== Third Detachment : Officio Assasinorum Detachment ==
Elites1: Culexus Assasin (140pt.) [140 pt.]