Francesco Capponi
+ PLAYER 5: Francesco Capponi
+ PLAYER TOURNEYKEEPER PROFILE: Francesco Capponi (1718)
+ ARMY (Factions used): Astra Militarum/Tyranids/Chaos Daemons
== Primary Detachment: Astra Militarum Psykana Division Formation ==
NoSlotHQ1: Primaris Psyker (50), Force Axe (free) - [50pts]
NoSlotHQ2: Commissar (25) - [25pts] - WARLORD
NoSlotHQ3: Commissar (25) - [25pts]
NoSlotHQ4: Commissar (25) - [25pts]
ELITES1: 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60) - [60pts]
ELITES2: 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60) - [60pts]
ELITES3: 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60) - [60pts]
== Secondary Detachment: Tyranids Combined Arms Detachment ==
HQ1: Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 Twin-Linked Devourer with brainleech worms (2x15), Electroshock Grubs (10) - [240pts]
HQ2: Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 Twin-Linked Devourer with brainleech worms (2x15), Electroshock Grubs (10) - [240pts]
TROOP1: 1 Mucolid Spore (15) - [15pts]
TROOP2: 1 Mucolid Spore (15) - [15pts]
TROOP3: 1 Mucolid Spore (15) - [15pts]
FORT: Wall of Martyr Imperial Bunker (55), Escape Hatch (25) - [80pts]
== Tertiary Detachment: Chaos Daemons Allied Detachment ==
HQ1: The Masque of Slaanesh (75) - [75pts]
TROOP1: 10 Daemonettes of Slaanesh (90), Icon of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
== Quaternary Detachment: Tyranids Hive Fleet Detachment ==
HQ1: Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 Twin-Linked Devourer with brainleech worms (2x15), Electroshock Grubs (10) - [240pts]
HQ2: Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 Twin-Linked Devourer with brainleech worms (2x15), Electroshock Grubs (10) - [240pts]
HQ3: Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 Twin-Linked Devourer with brainleech worms (2x15), Electroshock Grubs (10) - [240pts]
TROOP1: 1 Mucolid Spore (15) - [15pts]
TROOP2: 1 Mucolid Spore (15) - [15pts]
TROOP3: 1 Mucolid Spore (15) - [15pts]