Matthew brown
705 - Minotaur Warlord, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call),
Paired Weapons (Blessed Inscriptions), Obsidian Rock, Crown of Horns
590 - Soothsayer, Raiding Chariot, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Light
Armour (Trickster's Cunning), Hand Weapon (Ancestral Carvings), Talisman of Shielding, Dragonfire Gem
325 - 3 Raiding Chariots
295 - 17 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons and Throwing Weapons,
Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
285 - 17 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons and Throwing Weapons,
Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
525 - 5 Minotaurs, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Flaming
Standard), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Black Wing Totem))
150 - 5 Gargoyles, Scout
490 - Gortach
490 - Gortach
320 - Beast Giant, Beer Barrel
320 - Beast Giant, Beer Barrel