Daniel Pommer
Allegiance: Lumineth Realm Lords
- Great Nation: Zaitrec
- Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery
- Triumphs: Inspired
Archmage Teclis and Celennar, Spirit of Hysh (740)*
Scinari Loreseeker (170)*
- Extra Spell: Lambent Light
- Lore of Hysh: Solar Flare
Scinari Cathallar (145)*
- General
- Command Trait: Fast Learner
- Artefact: Gift of Celennar
- Extra Spell: Lambent Light
- Lore of Hysh: Total Eclipse
30 x Vanari Auralan Sentinels (450)*
- Lore of Hysh: Speed of Hysh
- Reinforced x 2
10 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (145)*
- Lore of Hysh: Speed of Hysh
10 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (145)*
- Lore of Hysh: Ethereal Blessing
Endless Spells & Invocations
Emerald Lifeswarm (60)
Umbral Spellportal (70)
Purple Sun of Shyish (70)
Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment
Total: 1995 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 77
Drops: 1