Łukasz "Mr_Delicious" Pyszny
Player: Łukasz Pyszny
Team: Szwarny Pierd
Factions used: Tyranids
Army Points: 2000
Reinforcement points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 20
Pre Game Stratagems: Progeny of Hive(-1CP)
Starting Command Points: 11
Warlord & Trait: HQ2: Neurothrope - Adaptive Physiology on Elite1: Hive Guards
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 94
To the Last Units: Elite1: Hive Guards, Elite2: Zoanthropes, Troop1: 20 Genestealers
Titan Hunter: N/A
Bring it Down: 4
Assasination: 10
Abhor the Witch: N/A
Battalion Detachment <Kraken> [107PL, 2000, -1CP]
HQ1: Broodlord(125), Relic; THE YMGARL FACTOR, Powers: Paroxysm [7PL, 125]
HQ2: Neurothrope(90), Warlord, Powers: Catalyst [5PL, 95]
HQ3: The Swarmlord(240), Powers: Onslaught, Psychic Scream [14PL, 240]
Elite1: 6 Hive Guards(6x35), 6 Impaler cannons(6x10), Adaptive Physiology: Enhanced Resistance [12PL, 270]
Elite2: 6 Zoanthropes(6x50), Powers: Psychic Scream [14PL, 300]
Troop1: 20 Genestealers(20x13), 20 Scything Talons(20x0), 5 Acid Maws(5x0) [269]
Troop2: 20 Genestealers(20x13), 20 Scything Talons(20x0), 5 Acid Maws(5x0) [269]
Troop3: 3 Ripper Swarms(3x12) [2PL, 36]
Troop4: 3 Ripper Swarms(3x12) [2PL, 36]
HS1: Exocrine [9PL, 170]
HS2: Trygon Prime(175), Adrenal Glands(5), Toxin Sacs(10), Adaptive Physiology: Murderous Size [10PL, 190]