PLAYER : Salysia
FACTION : Adepta Sororitas
Total army point : 2000
Total command point : 12
Pre battle stratagem : Saint in the making -2 CP
Remaining command point : 7
DETACHEMENT : No Force Org Slot [66pts]
- 2 Death Cult Assassins(26) [26]
- Repentia Superior(40), Bolt pistol [40] (Order of bloody rose)
DETACHMENT : Patrol (Adepta Sororitas, Order of Argent Shroud)
HQ1 : [Warlord] Morvenn Vahl(265), Righteous rage [265]
Troup1 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(55), Sister Superior(0), Chainsword [55]
Elite1 : Preacher(25), Chainsword, Laspistol [25]
FA1 : 5 Dominion Squad(60), 4 Artificer-crafted Storm Bolter(20), Dominion Superior(0) [80]
FA2 : 5 Dominion Squad(60), 4 Artificer-crafted Storm Bolter(20), Dominion Superior(0) [80]
HS1 : 5 Retributor squad(60), Armorium Cherub(5), 4 Multi-melta(80), Retributor Superior(0), Chainsword [145]
HS2 : 5 Retributor squad(60), Armorium Cherub(5), 4 Multi-melta(80), Retributor Superior(0), Chainsword [145]
Transport1 : Sororitas Rhino(80) [80]
Transport2 : Sororitas Rhino(80) [80]
Total detachment : 981
DETACHMENT : Vanguard (Adepta Sororitas, Order of bloody rose)
HQ2 : 3 Celestine & Geminae Superia(200), Celestine(0), 2x Geminae Superia(0) [200]
HQ3 : Canoness(50), Blessed blade(10), Bolt pistol, Blazing Ire, Blessing - Word of the Emperor(40) (Stratagem : Saint in the making -1 CP) [100]
Elite2: 5 Celestian Sacresants(70), 4 Anointed halberd, Celestian Superior(0), Spear of the faithtful(5) [75]
Elite3 : 5 Celestian Sacresants(70), 4 Anointed halberd, Celestian Superior(0), Spear of the faithtful(5) [75]
Elite4 : Dogmata(65), Hymn - Litany of Enduring Faith, Hymn - Verse of Holy Piety, The Sigil Ecclesiasticus, Beacon of Faith (Stratagem : Saint in the making -1 CP) [65]
Elite5 : 8 Sisters Repentia(56 + 4*14) [112]
Elite6 : 8 Sisters Repentia(56 + 4*14) [112]
Elite7 : 5 Sisters Repentia(56 + 1*14) [70]
FA3 : 5 Zephyrim Squad(85), Zephyrim Superior(0) [85]
FA4 : 5 Zephyrim Squad(85), Zephyrim Superior(0) [85]
Total detachment : 1019
Assassinate : 15 pts