Hubert KR311
+ PLAYER: Hubert Wawryk "Bixbix"
+ ARMY FACTION: Forces of the Hive Mind
+ COMMAND POINT AFTER PRE GAME SPENDING: 12-3cp battalion-1cp Cult pshyche,-1cp Progeny of the hive=7cp
+ ARMY FACTION USED: Genestealer Cult, Tyranids
Secondary objective information
Assasination: 9
Abhor the Witch: 9
No prisoners: 13
Bring it Down: 5
To the last: Hive Guard,Hive Guard,Tervigon
== Patrol Detachment == (Tyranids-Leviathan) [0]
Progeny of the Hive [-1CP]
HQ1:Tervigon [12 PL, 205pts]: Massive Scything Talons, Catalyst, Relic: Adaptive Neural Lobe[0cp], Synaptic Link: Weapoinised Gestation, Warlord [Swarm Leader]
TR1:Hormagaunts (3 PL, 60pts)-10x Scything Talons
TR2:Tyranid Warriors (5 PL, 75pts): Synaptic Link: Bioweapon Bond,3x tyranid warrior 3x bone swords, 3x scything talons
TR3:Termagants (9 PL, 150pts) 30x termagants
EL1:Hive Guard (12 PL, 270pts) Enhanced Resistance, 6x Hive Guard, Impaler Cannon
EL2:Hive Guard (12 PL, 270pts) 6x Hive Guard, Impaler Cannon
== Battalion Detachment == (Genestealer Cults-The Pauper Princes) [-3cp]
HQ1 Acolyte Iconward [3 PL, 60pts]
HQ2:Magus (5 PL, -1CP, 85pts)- Last Gasp, Undying Vigour,The Cult's Psyche (-1cp)
TR1:Acolyte Hybrids (6 PL, 160pts)- 1x Leader,5x Acolytes,4x Acolytes W/Rock Saw,10x Hand flamers
TR2:Acolyte Hybrids (6 PL, 160pts)- 1x Leader,5x Acolytes,4x Acolytes W/Rock Saw,10x Hand flamers
TR3:Acolyte Hybrids (6 PL, 160pts)- 1x Leader,5x Acolytes,4x Acolytes W/Rock Cutter,10x Hand flamers
TR4:Acolyte Hybrids (2 PL, 40pts)- 1x Leader,4x Acolytes
TR5:Acolyte Hybrids (2 PL, 40pts)- 1x Leader,4x Acolytes
TR6:Acolyte Hybrids (2 PL, 40pts)- 1x Leader,4x Acolytes
TS1:Goliath Truck (4 PL, 75pts)- Heavy Stubber, Twin Autocannon, Cache of Demolition Charges
TS2:Goliath Truck (4 PL, 75pts)- Heavy Stubber, Twin Autocannon, Cache of Demolition Charges
TS3:Goliath Truck (4 PL, 75pts)- Heavy Stubber, Twin Autocannon, Cache of Demolition Charges