Rachieru Razvan Alexandru
+ TEAM: Romania
+ PLAYER 2: Razvan Rachieru
+ PLAYER TOURNEYKEEPER PROFILE: Rachieru Razvan Alexandru 1788
+ ARMY (Factions used): Tyranids/Khorne Daemonkin
== Primary Detachment Tyranids Combined Arms Detachement ==
HQ1: Hive Tyrant (165) 2 Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (2x15), electroshock grubs
(10), wings (35) - [240pts] - WARLORD
HQ2: Hive Tyrant (165) 2 Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (2x15), electroshock grubs
(10), wings (35) - [240pts]
TROOPS1: 1 Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) - [15pts]
TROOPS2: 3 Ripper Swarm Brood (39), deep strike (3x2) - [45pts]
== Secondary Detachment: Tyranids Hive Fleet Detachment==
HQ3: Hive Tyrant (165) 2 Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (2x15), electroshock grubs
(10), wings (35) - [240pts]
HQ4: Hive Tyrant (165) 2 Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (2x15), electroshock grubs
(10), wings (35) - [240pts]
HQ5: Hive Tyrant (165) 2 Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (2x15), wings (35) - [230pts]
ELITES 1: 1 Venomethrope (45) - [45pts]
TROOPS 3: 1 Mucolid Spore (15) - [15pts]
TROOPS 4: 1 Mucolid Spore (15) - [15pts]
TROOPS 5: 1 Mucolid Spore (15) - [15pts]
== Tertiary Detachment: Khorne Daemonkin Air Superiority Detachment==
Fast Attack1: 1 Helldrakes (170), 1 baleflamer (0) - [170pts]
Fast Attack1: 2 Helldrakes (170), 1 baleflamer (0) - [170pts]
Fast Attack1: 3 Helldrakes (170), 1 baleflamer (0) - [170pts]