+ PLAYER 3 : throst
+ PLAYER ID : 1384
+ FACTIONS : Daemons
== Detachment 1 : Daemonic Incursion - Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Supplement ==
= Core : Flayer Troupe =
HQ1 : The Masque of Slaanesh - [75pts]
Troop1 : 10 Daemonettes (90), Icon of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
Troop2 : 10 Daemonettes (90), Icon of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
Troop3 : 10 Daemonettes (90), Icon of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
Troop4 : 10 Daemonettes (90), Instruments of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
Troop5 : 10 Daemonettes (90), Instruments of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
Troop6 : 10 Daemonettes (90), Instruments of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
= Auxilliary : Burning Skyhost =
HQ2 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30) - [100pts] [Warlord]
FA1 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA2 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA3 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA4 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA5 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA6 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA7 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA8 : 4 Screamers - [100pts]
FA9 : 4 Screamers - [100pts]
Type Of Alliance: Would you hug a Plaguebearer ?
TOTAL : 1845pts