Gary Morgan
TEAM: Wales
PLAYER 7: Gary 'The High Septum' Morgan
PLAYER ID : 1422
ARMY (Factions used): Chaos space marines/Khorne Daemonkin
Type of alliance: Battle brothers
==Primary Detachment: Cyclopia Cabal ==
HQ1: Sorcerer(60), Upgrade to Level 3(50), Veteran of the Long War(5), Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Force axe(0) [150] [WARLORD]
HQ2: Sorcerer(60), Upgrade to Level 3(50), Veteran of the Long War(5), Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Force axe(0) [150]
HQ3: Sorcerer(60), Upgrade to Level 3(50), Veteran of the Long War(5), Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Force stave (0) [150]
HQ4: Sorcerer(60), Upgrade to Level 3(50), Veteran of the Long War(5), Jump Pack(15), Spell Familiar(15), Force axe(0) [145]
HQ5: Sorcerer(60), Upgrade to Level 3(50), Veteran of the Long War(5), Jump Pack(15), Spell Familiar(15), Force Stave(0) [145]
HQ6 (non force org): Cypher- [190]
==Secondary detachmen: Khorne Daemonkin Allied Detachment==
HQ1: Herald of Khorne(55), Exalted Locus of Wrath(25) [80]
Troop1: 8 Chaos Cultists [58]
Fast Attack1: 17 Flesh Hounds of Khorne [272]
==Tertiary Detachment: Aerial Superiority Detachment – Khorne Daemonkin ==
Flyer Wing1:
a)Khorne Daemonkin Heldrake(170), baleflamer(0) (COMMANDER-WING LEADER) [170]
b)Khorne Daemonkin Heldrake(170), baleflamer(0)[170]
c)Khorne Daemonkin Heldrake(170), baleflamer(0) [170]