Martins9thAge - ID
535 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Nezibkesh, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Golden Idol of Shamut, Magical Heirloom
310 - Vizier, Shield (Willow's Ward), Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Blunderbuss, Infernal Weapon, Breath of the Brass Bull, Potion of Strength
195 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft
437 - 21 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
365 - 15 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician
323 - 32 Vassal Levies, Spear and Shield, Bow, Musician
550 - 6 Kadim Incarnates, Champion
375 - 4 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Musician
265 - Infernal Bastion
240 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar
240 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar
190 - 5 Vassal Cavalry
475 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake