Piotr Sablik
Player 5: Piotr „Świstak” Sablik
Primary Detachment: Royal Court Formation, Faction: Necrons
HQ1: Nemesor Zahndrekh [150] (Warlord)
HQ2: Vargard Obyron [120]
HQ3: Cryptek (65), Solar Staff (15) [80]
HQ4: Lord (50), Ressurection Orb (25), Warscythe (20), The Veil of Darkness (25) [120]
Secondary Detachment: Canoptek Harvest Formation, Faction: Necrons
FA1: 6 Canoptek Wraiths (240), 1 Whip Coils (3) [243]
HS1: Canoptek Spyder [50]
FA2: Canoptek Scarabs [60]
Tetriary Detachment: Combined Arms Detachment, Faction: Necrons
HQ5: Destroyer Lord (110), Warscythe (20), The Nightmare Shroud (35), Resurection Orb (25) [190]
HQ6: Orikan the Diviner [120]
Troop1: 5 Immortals [85]
Troop2: 5 Immortals [85] (Transport1)
Fortification1: Imperial Bunker (55), Comms Relay (20) [75]
Transport1: Night Scythe [130]
Quarternary Detachment: Air Superiority Detachment, Faction: Khorne Daemonkin
Flyer Wing:
FA4: Helldrake, Baleflamer (0) [170] (Wing Leader)
FA5: Helldrake, Baleflamer (0) [170]
Total: [1848]