Grzelich [BMC] WA381
Player ID: WA 381
Player: Grzegorz "Grzelich" Hellich
ITC Faction: Space Marines
Factions used: Space Marines: Dark Angels
Command Points: 4, Army Points: 990. Reinforcement Points: 0 (10 punktĂłw zabraĹ KRUS)
Total Power Level: 44
Total Unit Count: 10
Total Model Count: 18
Pre Game Stratagems: none
Warlord: Ravenwing Talonmaster
Secondary Objectives Information: No Prisoners: 36
To the Last Units: TalonMaster, Tactical Squad, Bike Squad
Titan Hunter: N/A, Bring it Down: 3, Assassination: 7, Abhor the Witch: 2
"It't the final meltdown.... taa-daaa-ta-daaa... ta-da-da-ta-daaa...."
== <Space Marines: Dark Angels> Outrider Detachment == 675 pts (-3CP +3 CP)
HQ1: Ravenwing Talonmaster [175 pts, 8 PL] FREE RELIC: Arbiters Gaze, WARLORD, WARLORD TRAIT: Master of Manouver
FA1: Bike Squad, 2x Biker with Meltagun (80), 1x Biker Sergeant with Combimelta (40) [120 pts, PL: 5]
FA2: Bike Squad, 2x Biker with Meltagun (80), 1x Biker Sergeant with Combimelta (40) [120 pts, PL: 5]
FA3: Land Speeder (60), 1x Multimelta (10) [70 pts, PL: 3]
FA4: Land Speeder (60), 1x Multimelta (10) [70 pts, PL: 3]
FA5: Attack Bike Squad, 1x Attack Bike with Attack Bike with Multimelta (60) [60 pts, PL: 2]
FA6: Attack Bike Squad, 1x Attack Bike with Attack Bike with Multimelta (60) [60 pts, PL: 2]
== <Space Marines: Dark Angels> Patrol Detachment == 315 pts -2CP (-2CP)
HQ1: Ezekiel (125), Psychic Powers: Mind Worm, Aversion, Engulfing Fear [125 pts, PL: 7]
TR1: Tactical Squad, 3x Space Marine (72), 1x Space Marine with Multimelta (38), 1x Space Marine Sergeant with combimelta (28) [120 pts, PL: 5]
DT1: Droppod (70), 1x Stormbolter (0) [70 pts, PL: 4]