Frederick Humcke
Championship format
0 Rotated cards
0 Forsaken cards
3 Restricted cards
6 Surge cards
Faction: Hrothgorn's Mantrappers
*Objectives* (12)
B162 - Arm of the Everwinter (Surge) (Restricted)
B167 - Flush Them Out (Surge)
DC262 - Awesome Predator
DC273 - Everything to Prove (Surge)
DC278 - Formidable Prey
DC287 - Intimidating Display
DC294 - Martial Adept
DC299 - Not so Fast (Surge)
DC320 - Silver Lining (Surge)
DC327 - Swelling Pride (Surge)
DC335 - Unassailable Primacy
DC336 - Underdog
*Gambits* (10)
B174 - Driven Onwards
DC343 - Beast Trail
DC359 - Feign Strength
DC360 - Feign Weakness
DC366 - Heeded Instinct
DC377 - Hypnotic Buzz
E22 - Commanding Stride
E27 - Duel of Wits
E35 - Mighty Swing
AM9 - Dark Sacrifice
*Upgrades* (10)
B186 - Living Avalanche
B187 - Massive Bulk
B192 - Veteran Hunter
DC425 - Augmented Limbs
DC449 - Haughty Resistance (Restricted)
DC454 - Impressive Bulk
DC469 - Proud Runner (Restricted)
DC483 - Silent Helm
DC484 - Silent Ring
E51 - Great Strength,B192,E27,DC320,DC273,DC336,B187,E51,DC343,B167,DC287,DC294,B162,DC278,AM9,E22,B174,DC469,DC483,DC484,DC366,DC425,DC454,DC262,DC335,DC377,B186,DC359,DC360,DC449,DC327,E35,DC299