Discord ID: Zea#5993
BCP Email:
ITC Faction: Forces of the Hivemind
Warlord: Tyranid Prime
Commandpoints: 6
+++ New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) +++
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Tyranids) [69 PL, 10CP, 1,113pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Detachment Command Cost
Hive Fleet: Leviathan
+ Stratagems +
Bounty of the Hive Fleet [-1CP]: 1 Extra Bio-artefact
+ HQ +
The Swarmlord [14 PL, 240pts]: Power: Catalyst, Power: Psychic Scream, Power: Smite
Tyranid Prime [6 PL, -1CP, 90pts]: Relic: Adaptive Neural Lobe, 2x Scything Talons, Stratagem: Alpha Leader-Beast, Synaptic Link: Unchecked Ferocity, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Strategic Adaptation, Warlord Trait: Swarm Leader
+ Troops +
Genestealers [16 PL, 208pts]: 4x Acid Maw, 16x Scything Talons
. 16x Genestealer: 16x Rending Claws
Genestealers [16 PL, 208pts]: 4x Acid Maw, 16x Scything Talons
. 16x Genestealer: 16x Rending Claws
+ Elites +
Hive Guard [12 PL, 270pts]
. 6x Hive Guard (Impaler): 6x Impaler Cannon
Lictor [2 PL, 37pts]
+ Fast Attack +
Raveners [3 PL, 60pts]
. Ravener: 2x Scything Talons
. Ravener: 2x Scything Talons
. Ravener: 2x Scything Talons
++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Tyranids) [36 PL, -2CP, 667pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]
Hive Fleet: Kronos
+ HQ +
Neurothrope [5 PL, 95pts]: Power: Smite, Power: Symbiostorm, Relic: Resonance Barb
+ Troops +
Tyranid Warriors [5 PL, 66pts]: Synaptic Link: Bioweapon Bond
. Tyranid Warrior: 2x Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior: 2x Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior: 2x Scything Talons
Tyranid Warriors [5 PL, 66pts]: Synaptic Link: Bioweapon Bond
. Tyranid Warrior: 2x Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior: 2x Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior: 2x Scything Talons
+ Elites +
Hive Guard [12 PL, 270pts]
. 6x Hive Guard (Impaler): 6x Impaler Cannon
+ Heavy Support +
Exocrine [9 PL, 170pts]
++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) [14 PL, -2CP, 220pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Cult Creed: Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor
Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]
+ HQ +
Magus [5 PL, 85pts]: Power: Mass Hypnosis, Power: Undermine
+ Troops +
Acolyte Hybrids [3 PL, 55pts]
. 4x Acolyte Hybrid (Hand Flamer): 4x Blasting Charges, 4x Cultist Knife, 4x Hand Flamer, 4x Rending Claw
. Acolyte Leader: Cultist Knife, Hand Flamer
Acolyte Hybrids [3 PL, 40pts]
. 4x Acolyte Hybrid: 4x Autopistol, 4x Blasting Charges, 4x Cultist Knife, 4x Rending Claw
. Acolyte Leader: Autopistol, Cultist Knife
Acolyte Hybrids [3 PL, 40pts]
. 4x Acolyte Hybrid: 4x Autopistol, 4x Blasting Charges, 4x Cultist Knife, 4x Rending Claw
. Acolyte Leader: Autopistol, Cultist Knife
++ Total: [119 PL, 6CP, 2,000pts] ++
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