Mathias "Zamboom"
Dicord ID: Matze/Zamboom/Hunter87#3897
ITC Faction: Chaos
Warlord: Lord of Virulence
Commandpoints: 6
Total Armypoints:1990
++++ DG Slimy Outrider (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) [102 PL, 6CP, 1,990pts] +++
++ Outrider Detachment -3CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [96 PL, 6CP, 1,885pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Detachment Command Cost [-3CP]
Plague Company: The Poxmongers
+ Stratagems +
Gifts of Decay [-1CP]: Additional Relics
+ HQ +
Death Guard Daemon Prince [10 PL, 185pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 1. Revoltingly Resilient, Foetid Wings, Hellforged sword, Suppurating Plate, Warlord
+ Elites +
Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought [8 PL, -1CP, 175pts]: Hellforged cyclone missile launcher, 2x Twin volkite culverin
Tallyman [4 PL, -1CP, 70pts]: 3. Hulking Physique, Ironclot Furnace, Plaguechosen
+ Fast Attack +
Foetid Bloat-drone [7 PL, 135pts]: Fleshmower
Foetid Bloat-drone [7 PL, 135pts]: Fleshmower
Foetid Bloat-drone [7 PL, 135pts]: Fleshmower
Myphitic Blight-haulers [14 PL, 280pts]: Myphitic Blight-hauler, Myphitic Blight-hauler
Myphitic Blight-haulers [14 PL, 280pts]: Myphitic Blight-hauler, Myphitic Blight-hauler
Myphitic Blight-haulers [7 PL, 140pts]: Myphitic Blight-hauler
+ Heavy Support +
Plagueburst Crawler [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Heavy slugger
Plagueburst Crawler [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Heavy slugger
++ Reinforcements (Chaos - Daemons) [6 PL, 105pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Chaos Allegiance: Nurgle
Detachment Command Cost
+ HQ +
Epidemius [6 PL, 105pts]
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