Erdem "Matrim"
Erdem "Matrim" - Erdem "matrim"#2328 - Daemon Legions
900 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, Wizard Master, Witchcraft, Iron Husk, Brimstone Secretions, Unnatural Roots
395 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, General, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Guiding Kaleidoscopic Flesh, Living Shield, Brimstone Secretions
640 - 23 Succubi, Smothering Coils, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
265 - 10 Lemures, Stiff Upper Lip, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
225 - 10 Imps, Musician, Champion
523 - 4 Brazen Beasts, Whipcrack Tail, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
360 - Blazing Glory, Fly
360 - Blazing Glory, Fly
295 - Threshing Engine, Horde Thresher, Mark of the Eternal Champion
295 - Threshing Engine, Horde Thresher, Mark of the Eternal Champion
235 - Titanslayer Chariot, Centipede Legs, Standard Bearer