Ben Mitchell
Ben Mitchell - BenMitchell#1045 - Empire of Sonnstahl
455 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Divination, Binding Scroll, Magical Heirloom
400 - Prelate, Horse, Paired Weapons (Hero's Heart), Plate Armour (Basalt Infusion), Locket of Sunna
360 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Shield, Hand Weapon (The Light of Sonnstahl), Obsidian Rock
330 - Inquisitor, Horse and Light Troops, Shield, Repeater Pistol, Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches), Silver Shots
200 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Crown of the Wizard King
511 - 12 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Knightly Orders (Cavalry Pick), Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician, Champion
225 - 15 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
204 - 21 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
185 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician
340 - 10 Reiters, Repeater Gun
155 - 5 Reiters, Pistol
134 - 9 Imperial Rangers
101 - 6 Imperial Rangers
245 - Artillery, Cannon
180 - Artillery, Volley Gun
475 - Steam Tank