Jez Morris
Tempestus Scions Command Points: 9
Battalion Detachment – 133rd Lambdan Lions
HQ 1 Tempestor Prime (40), plasma pistol (5), chain sword (0) Total 45
Warlord Trait – Keys to Armoury (reroll hit rolls of 1)
HQ 2 Tempestor Prime (40), chain sword (0) Total 40
Relic – Refractor Field Generator (5+ invulnerable save 6” radius)
HQ 1 Tempestor Prime (40), chain sword (0) Total 40
T 1 Tempestus Scions (5x9) plasma Pistol (2x0) Total 45
T 2 Tempestus Scions (10x9) plasma Pistol (1x0) Melta Gun (4x10) Total 130
T 3 Tempestus Scions (10x9) plasma Pistol (1x0) Melta Gun (4x10) Total 130
T 4 Tempestus Scions (10x9) plasma Pistol (1x0) Melta Gun (4x10) Total 130
T 5 Tempestus Scions (5x9) plasma Pistol (2x0) Total 45
T 6 Tempestus Scions (5x9) plasma Pistol (2x0) Total 45
E1 Tempest Command Squad (4x10), Plasma Gun (4x10) Total 80
E2 Tempest Command Squad (4x10), Plasma Gun (4x10) Total 80
E3 Tempest Command Squad (4x10), Plasma Gun (4x10) Total 80
DT1 Taurox Prime (115), Gatling Cannon (5), HS Volley Gun (2x0) Total 120
DT2 Taurox Prime (115), T Missile Launcher (15), Auto Cannon (2x5)) Total 140
Patrol Detachment – Cadians
HQ 1 Tank Commander (175) Battle cannon (5) 3 x Heavy Bolter (3x15) Total 225
Relic Battle Cannon Gate Keeper (+1 to wound Chaos)
HQ 2 Tank Commander (175) Battle cannon (5) 3 x Heavy Bolter (3x15) Total 225
T 1 Infantry Squad Total 55
T 2 Infantry Squad Total 55
HS 1 Manticore Total 145
HS 2 Manticore Total 145
Total 2000/2000