Erin McC
NRGC Team 1
Erin McCartney
Total CP: 11
== Patrol Detachment ==
Kabal of The Black Heart -0CP
HQ 1: Archon [4PL] (75 pts) Warlord (Hatred Eternal), Relic (Soulheim), Splintered Genius +1PL +15pts [5PL] [90 pts]
Troop 1: Kabalite Trueborn (11x10=110), Dark Lance (15x1=15), Blaster (10x1=10), Blast Pistol(5x1=5), Phantasm Grenade Launcher (5x1=5) [8PL] [145 pts]
Dedicated Transport 1: Raider (95 pts), Dark Lance (10x1=10), Phantasm Grenade Launcher (5x1=5) [6PL] [110pts]
== Patrol Detachment ==
Prophets of The Flesh -0CP
HQ 2: Haemonculus, Tolerated Ambition (-1CP) Master Regenerist [4PL] [70 pts]
Troop 2: Wracks (8x5=40) Liquifier Gun (10x2=20) [3PL] [60 pts]
Elite 1: Grotesques (35x3=105), Liquifier Gun (5x3=15) [6PL] [120 pts]
Heavy Support 1: Cronos (75x3=225), Spirit Probe(5x1=5), Spirit Vortex(10x1=10) [12PL] [240 pts]
Heavy Support 2: Talos (100x3=300), Chain-flails(0x3=0), Twin Liquifier Gun(15x3=45) Two Heat Lances(0x3=0) [18PL] [345 pts]
Dedicated Transport 2: Raider (95 pts), Dark Lance (10x1=10), Phantasm Grenade Launcher (5x1=5) [6PL] [110pts]
== Patrol Detachment ==
Cult of Strife -0CP
HQ 3: Succubus (80 pts), Agoniser & Archite Glaive(0x1=0), Random Drugs x2 (default: Hypex) [3PL] [80 pts]
Troop 3: Wyches (12x5=60) Hekatari Blade (0x5=0), Splinter Pistol (0x5=0), Random Drugs x2 (default: Hypex) [3PL] [60 pts]
Troop 4: Wyches (12x5=60) Hekatari Blade (0x5=0), Splinter Pistol (0x5=0), Random Drugs x2 (default: Hypex) [3PL] [60 pts]
Fast Attack 1: Hellions (17x12=204), Hellglaive(12x0=0), Phantasm Grenade Launcher(5x1=5), Grave lotus Combat Drug [11PL] [209 pts]
Fast Attack 2: Reavers (20x12=240), Heat Lance(10x4=40), Grav-Talons(5x4=20), Splintermind Combat Drug [12PL] [300 pts]