NRGC Team 1
Sean Temple
ARMY FACTIONS USED: Genestealer Cults
Total CP: 12
== Battalion Detachment ==
Twisted helix [1999 points] -0CP
HQ 1: Patriarch [7PL] (140 pts) Warlord (Bio-Alchemist) (Psyker - Might From Beyond, Psychic Stimulus)
HQ 2: Primus [4PL] (80 pts) (Proficient Planning - Exacting Planner +1PL +15 pts) [5PL] [95 pts]
HQ 3: Jackal Alphus [4PL] (80 pts)
Troop 1: 10 Acolytes (9X10=90), hand flamer (3x9=27), cult icon(20x1=20), bonesword (5x1=5) [9PL] [142 pts]
Troop 2: 10 Acolytes (9X10=90), hand flamer (3x9=27), cult icon(20x1=20), bonesword (5x1=5) [9PL] [142 pts]
Troop 3: 5 Acolytes (9X5=45) [3PL] [45 pts]
Elite 1: 10 Purestrain Genestealers (14x10) [7PL] [140 pts] (Proficient Planning - From Every Angle +1PL +10 pts) [8PL] [150 pts]
Elite 2: 10 Purestrain Genestealers (14x10) [7PL] [140 pts] (Proficient Planning - They Came From Below +1PL +10 pts) [8PL] [150 pts]
Elite 3: 10 Purestrain Genestealers (14x10) [7PL] [140 pts] (Proficient Planning - A Trap Sprung +1PL +15 pts) [8PL] [155 pts]
Elite 4: 1 Nexos [3PL] [50 pts]
Elite 5: 1 Kelermorph [4PL] [80 pts]
Elite 6: 1 Sanctus, cult sniper rifle (0x1=x), (Relic, The Gift From Beyond) [4PL] [70 pts]
Fast Attack 1: 3 Achilles Ridgerunners (80x3=240), Heavy Mining Laser (0x3=0), Flare Launcher (0x3=0) [12PL] [240 pts]
Fast Attack 2: 2 Achilles Ridgerunners (80x2=160), Heavy Mining Laser (0x2=0), Flare Launcher (0x2=0) [12PL] [160 pts]
Heavy Support 1: Goliath Rockgrinder (110x1), Seismic Cannon(0x1=0) [6PL] [110 pts]
Dedicated Transport 1: Goliath Truck (90x1=90), cache of demolition charges (5x1=5) [6PL] (95 pts)
Dedicated Transport 2: Goliath Truck (90x1=90), cache of demolition charges (5x1=5) [6PL] (95 pts)