Tim Vass
2000pts Astra Militarum - Tim Vass
Detachment 1 - Battalion (0 CP)
Regiment Trait - Cadia
Lord Castellan Creed (60): Creed (60)
Knight Commander Pask (250): Pask (200) with 3x Heavy Bolter (45) and a Battle cannon (5)
Tank Commander (225): Tank commander (175) with 3x Heavy Flamer (45) and a Demolisher Cannon (5) Warlord (No Trait, extra tank ace)
Conscripts (140): 28 x Conscripts (150), Upgraded to Whiteshields (Pre-game Stratagem)
Conscripts (150): 30 x Conscripts (150), Upgraded to Whiteshields (Pre-game Stratagem)
Infantry Squad (55): 9x Guardsmen with Lasgun (50), Sgt with a Laspistol and Chainsword (5)
Infantry Squad (55): 9x Guardsmen with Lasgun (50), Sgt with a Laspistol and Chainsword (5)
Infantry Squad (55): 9x Guardsmen with Lasgun (50), Sgt with a Laspistol and Chainsword (5)
Infantry Squad (55): 9x Guardsmen with Lasgun (50), Sgt with a Laspistol and Chainsword (5)
Fast Attack:
Scout Sentinel (35): Sentinel (35) with Multi-Laser
Scout Sentinel (35): Sentinel (35) with Multi-Laser
Scout Sentinel (35): Sentinel (35) with Multi-Laser
Heavy Support
Matincore (145): Manticore (145) with heavy bolter (0), Tank Ace (Full Payload)
Matincore (145): Manticore (145) with heavy bolter (0), Extra Tank Ace (Full Payload)
Detachment 2 - Patrol (-2 CP)
Regiment Trait - Cadia
Tank Commander (225): Tank commander (175) with 3x Heavy Flamer (45) and a Demolisher Cannon (5) Warlord (No Trait, extra tank ace)
Tank Commander (225): Tank commander (175) with 3x Heavy Bolter (45) and a Battle cannon (5) and Gatekeeper (Relic Battle Cannon).
Infantry Squad (55): 9x Guardsmen with Lasgun (50), Sgt with a Laspistol and Chainsword (5)
Infantry Squad (55): 9x Guardsmen with Lasgun (50), Sgt with a Laspistol and Chainsword (5)
Pregame CP:
-2CP fo an extra Patrol detachment
-1CP for Whiteshields
- 1 CP for an extra Tank Ace
Starting CP: 8