Fol - Master Potato , KI040
+++ Desert Rats (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) [75 PL, 5CP, 1,498pts] +++
++ Vanguard Detachment -3CP (T'au Empire) [75 PL, 5CP, 1,498pts] ++
+ Configuration [9CP] +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]
. Categories: Configuration
Detachment Command Cost [-3CP]
. Categories: Configuration
Gametype: Matched
. Categories: Configuration
Sept Choice: Farsight Enclaves, Show Sept Tenets rule
. Categories: Configuration
. Rules: Sept Tenets
. Abilities: Aggressive Footing, Farsight Enclaves Tenet: Devastating Counter-Strike
. Aggressive Footing: Description:[All FARSIGHT ENCLAVES units in FARSIGHT ENCLAVES Detachments gain the Aggressive Footing ability:]
When resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon by a model in this unit against an enemy unit within 12", treat that enemy unit as having one more markerlight counter than it actually has.|Psychic Awakening V: The Greater Good p50
. Farsight Enclaves Tenet: Devastating Counter-Strike: Description:Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for models with this tenet for shooting attacks against enemy units that are within 6" of the firing model.|Codex: T'au Empire p127
+ Stratagems [-4CP] +
Emergency Dispensation (2 Relics) [-3CP]
. Categories: Stratagems
Veteran Cadre (3 models) [-1CP]
. Categories: Stratagems
+ HQ [15 PL, 320pts] +
Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit [7 PL, 155pts]: Fusion blades (replaces 2 fusion blasters), 3x Fusion blaster [45pts], Shield generator [10pts], Warlord, XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit [10pts]
. Categories: Faction: , Battlesuit, Character, Fly, Jet Pack, HQ, Faction: T'au Empire, Commander, XV8 Crisis, Warlord
. Rules: For the Greater Good, Manta Strike
. Abilities: Fusion blades (replaces 2 fusion blasters), Master of War, Shield generator, XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit, Unit: Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit), Weapon: Fusion blades (Melee), Fusion blades (Ranged), Fusion blaster
. Fusion blades (replaces 2 fusion blasters): Description:FARSIGHT ENCLAVES model with at least two fusion blasters only. The Fusion Blades replace two of the model's fusion blasters.|Codex: T'au Empire p133
. Master of War: Description:Once per battle, at the start of your turn, a single COMMANDER unit from your army can declare either Kauyon or Mont’ka:
Kauyon: In a turn in which a COMMANDER unit from your army declared Kauyon, at the start of your Movement phase you can select any friendly units within 6" of that unit. Until the end of that turn, the selected units cannot move for any reason, but when resolving an attack made by a model in any of those units you can re-roll the hit roll.
Mont’ka: In a turn in which a COMMANDER unit from your army declared Mont’ka, at the start of your Movement phase you can select any friendly units within 6" of that unit. Until the end of that turn, the selected units can shoot as if they did not move this turn.
Unless stated otherwise, you can only use the Master of War ability once per battle, irrespective of how many models in your army have this ability.|Codex: T'au Empire p89
. Shield generator: Description:A model with a shield generator has a 4+ invulnerable save. You cannot take this support system on a Riptide battlesuit.|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit: Description:A model equipped with an XV8-02 Iridium Crisis battlesuit increases its Save characteristic to 2+.|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit): M:8"|WS:3+|BS:2+|S:5|T:5|W:5|A:4|Ld:9|Save:2+|Codex: T'au Empire p92
. Fusion blades (Melee): Range:Melee|Type:Melee|S:8|AP:-4|D:D6|Abilities:Each time the bearer fights, it can make two (and only two) attacks with this weapon.|Codex: T'au Empire p133
. Fusion blades (Ranged): Range:18"|Type:Assault 2|S:8|AP:-4|D:D6|Abilities:If the target is within half the weapon's range, roll two dice when inflicting damage and discard the lowest result.|Codex: T'au Empire p133
. Fusion blaster: Range:18"|Type:Assault 1|S:8|AP:-4|D:D6|Abilities:If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result.|Codex: T'au Empire p121
Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit [8 PL, 165pts]: Drone controller [5pts], 2x Fusion blaster [30pts], Shield generator [10pts]
. Categories: Faction: , Battlesuit, Character, Fly, Jet Pack, HQ, Faction: T'au Empire, Commander, XV85 Enforcer
. Rules: For the Greater Good, Manta Strike
. Abilities: Drone controller, Master of War, Shield generator, Unit: Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit, Weapon: Fusion blaster
. 2x MV7 Marker Drone [20pts]: 2x Markerlight
. . Categories: Faction: , Drone, Fly, Faction: T'au Empire
. . Rules: Drone Support, For the Greater Good, Markerlights, Saviour Protocols
. . Abilities: Stable Platform, Unit: MV7 Marker Drone, Weapon: Markerlight
. Drone controller: Description: DRONE units within 6" of any friendly models equipped with a drone controller add one to their hit rolls.|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. Master of War: Description:Once per battle, at the start of your turn, a single COMMANDER unit from your army can declare either Kauyon or Mont’ka:
Kauyon: In a turn in which a COMMANDER unit from your army declared Kauyon, at the start of your Movement phase you can select any friendly units within 6" of that unit. Until the end of that turn, the selected units cannot move for any reason, but when resolving an attack made by a model in any of those units you can re-roll the hit roll.
Mont’ka: In a turn in which a COMMANDER unit from your army declared Mont’ka, at the start of your Movement phase you can select any friendly units within 6" of that unit. Until the end of that turn, the selected units can shoot as if they did not move this turn.
Unless stated otherwise, you can only use the Master of War ability once per battle, irrespective of how many models in your army have this ability.|Codex: T'au Empire p89
. Shield generator: Description:A model with a shield generator has a 4+ invulnerable save. You cannot take this support system on a Riptide battlesuit.|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. Stable Platform: Description:Marker Drones do not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons.|Codex: T'au Empire p109
. Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit: M:8"|WS:3+|BS:2+|S:5|T:5|W:6|A:4|Ld:9|Save:3+|Codex: T'au Empire p93
. MV7 Marker Drone: M:8"|WS:5+|BS:5+|S:3|T:4|W:1|A:1|Ld:6|Save:4+|Codex: T'au Empire p109
. Fusion blaster: Range:18"|Type:Assault 1|S:8|AP:-4|D:D6|Abilities:If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result.|Codex: T'au Empire p121
. Markerlight: Range:36"|Type:Heavy 1|S:-|AP:-|D:-|Abilities:See Markerlights (rule).|Codex: T'au Empire p121
+ Elites [44 PL, 898pts] +
XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [15 PL, 304pts]: 2x Smart missile system [14pts], Advanced targeting system [20pts], Heavy burst cannon, Velocity tracker [10pts]
. Categories: Fly, Elites, Faction: , Battlesuit, Jet Pack, Faction: T'au Empire, Monster, XV104 Riptide Battlesuit
. Rules: Drone Support, For the Greater Good
. Abilities: Advanced targeting system, Nova Reactor, Riptide Shield Generator, Velocity tracker, Unit: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [1] (7-14+ Wounds Remaining), XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [2] (4-6 Wounds Remaining), XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [3] (1-3 Wounds Remaining), Weapon: Heavy burst cannon, Smart missile system
. Advanced targeting system: Description:A model equipped with an advanced targeting system increases the AP characteristic of all of its weapons by 1 (e.g. an AP of 0 becomes -1, an AP of -1 becomes -2).|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. Nova Reactor: Description:In your Movement phase you can choose to use this model's Nova Reactor. If you do, this model suffers a mortal wound. Choose one of the following effects to last until the beginning of your next turn:
* Nova Shield: This model has a 3+ invulnerable save.
* Boost: This model can move 2D6" in your Charge phase. You cannot use this ability to move within Engagement Range of any enemy models. If it does so, this model cannot declare a charge that phase.
* Nova-charge: Choose for either of this model's heavy burst cannon Type to change to Heavy 18, or its ion accelerator Type (both standard and overcharge) to change to Heavy 6.|Codex: T'au Empire p106
. Riptide Shield Generator: Description:This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.|Codex: T'au Empire p106
. Velocity tracker: Description:Add 1 to hit rolls for a model with a velocity tracker when it shoots at a unit that can FLY.|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [1] (7-14+ Wounds Remaining): M:12"|WS:5+|BS:4+|S:6|T:7|W:14|A:4|Ld:8|Save:2+|Codex: T'au Empire p106
. XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [2] (4-6 Wounds Remaining): M:8"|WS:5+|BS:5+|S:6|T:7|W:N/A|A:3|Ld:8|Save:2+|Codex: T'au Empire p106
. XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [3] (1-3 Wounds Remaining): M:4"|WS:5+|BS:5+|S:6|T:7|W:N/A|A:2|Ld:8|Save:2+|Codex: T'au Empire p106
. Heavy burst cannon: Range:36"|Type:Heavy 12|S:6|AP:-1|D:2|Abilities:-|Codex: T'au Empire p121
. Smart missile system: Range:30"|Type:Heavy 4|S:5|AP:0|D:1|Abilities:This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer. Units attacked by this weapon do not gain any bonus to their saving throws for being in cover.|Codex: T'au Empire p122
XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [5 PL, 93pts]
. Categories: Faction: , Battlesuit, Elites, Fly, Infantry, Jet Pack, Faction: T'au Empire, XV25 Stealth Battlesuits
. Rules: For the Greater Good, Infiltrator
. Abilities: Bonding Knife Ritual, Camouflage Fields
. Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon [31pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], Burst cannon
. . Abilities: Advanced targeting system, Unit: Stealth Shas'ui, Weapon: Burst cannon
. Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon [31pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], Burst cannon
. . Abilities: Advanced targeting system, Unit: Stealth Shas'ui, Weapon: Burst cannon
. Stealth Shas'vre [31pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], Burst cannon
. . Abilities: Advanced targeting system, Unit: Stealth Shas'vre, Weapon: Burst cannon
. Advanced targeting system: Description:A model equipped with an advanced targeting system increases the AP characteristic of all of its weapons by 1 (e.g. an AP of 0 becomes -1, an AP of -1 becomes -2).|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. Bonding Knife Ritual: Description:If you roll a 6 when taking a Morale test for this unit, the test is automatically passed.|Codex: T'au Empire p98,99,102-104,107,111
. Camouflage Fields: Description:Your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls for attacks that target this unit.|Codex: T'au Empire p102
. Stealth Shas'ui: M:8"|WS:5+|BS:4+|S:4|T:4|W:2|A:2|Ld:7|Save:3+|Codex: T'au Empire p102
. Stealth Shas'vre: M:8"|WS:5+|BS:4+|S:4|T:4|W:2|A:3|Ld:8|Save:3+|Codex: T'au Empire p102
. Burst cannon: Range:18"|Type:Assault 4|S:5|AP:0|D:1|Abilities:-|Codex: T'au Empire p121
XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [5 PL, 93pts]
. Categories: Faction: , Battlesuit, Elites, Fly, Infantry, Jet Pack, Faction: T'au Empire, XV25 Stealth Battlesuits
. Rules: For the Greater Good, Infiltrator
. Abilities: Bonding Knife Ritual, Camouflage Fields
. Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon [31pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], Burst cannon
. . Abilities: Advanced targeting system, Unit: Stealth Shas'ui, Weapon: Burst cannon
. Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon [31pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], Burst cannon
. . Abilities: Advanced targeting system, Unit: Stealth Shas'ui, Weapon: Burst cannon
. Stealth Shas'vre [31pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], Burst cannon
. . Abilities: Advanced targeting system, Unit: Stealth Shas'vre, Weapon: Burst cannon
. Advanced targeting system: Description:A model equipped with an advanced targeting system increases the AP characteristic of all of its weapons by 1 (e.g. an AP of 0 becomes -1, an AP of -1 becomes -2).|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. Bonding Knife Ritual: Description:If you roll a 6 when taking a Morale test for this unit, the test is automatically passed.|Codex: T'au Empire p98,99,102-104,107,111
. Camouflage Fields: Description:Your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls for attacks that target this unit.|Codex: T'au Empire p102
. Stealth Shas'ui: M:8"|WS:5+|BS:4+|S:4|T:4|W:2|A:2|Ld:7|Save:3+|Codex: T'au Empire p102
. Stealth Shas'vre: M:8"|WS:5+|BS:4+|S:4|T:4|W:2|A:3|Ld:8|Save:3+|Codex: T'au Empire p102
. Burst cannon: Range:18"|Type:Assault 4|S:5|AP:0|D:1|Abilities:-|Codex: T'au Empire p121
XV8 Crisis Bodyguards [10 PL, 233pts]: Reactive countermeasures
. Categories: Faction: , Battlesuit, Elites, Fly, Jet Pack, Faction: T'au Empire, XV8 Crisis Bodyguards
. Rules: For the Greater Good, Manta Strike
. Abilities: Bonding Knife Ritual, Reactive countermeasures, Sworn Protectors
. Crisis Bodyguard [61pts]: 2x Airbursting fragmentation projector [16pts], Shield generator [5pts], XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit [10pts]
. . Abilities: Shield generator, XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit, Unit: Crisis Shas'vre, Weapon: Airbursting fragmentation projector
. Crisis Bodyguard [71pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], 2x Cyclic ion blaster [36pts]
. . Abilities: Advanced targeting system, Unit: Crisis Shas'vre, Weapon: Cyclic ion blaster (Overcharge), Cyclic ion blaster (Standard)
. Crisis Bodyguard [71pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], 2x Cyclic ion blaster [36pts]
. . Abilities: Advanced targeting system, Unit: Crisis Shas'vre, Weapon: Cyclic ion blaster (Overcharge), Cyclic ion blaster (Standard)
. 2x MV4 Shield Drone [30pts]: 2x Shield generator
. . Categories: Faction: , Fly, Drone, Faction: T'au Empire, Tactical Drones
. . Rules: Drone Support, For the Greater Good, Saviour Protocols
. . Abilities: Shield generator (Drone), Unit: MV4 Shield Drone
. Advanced targeting system: Description:A model equipped with an advanced targeting system increases the AP characteristic of all of its weapons by 1 (e.g. an AP of 0 becomes -1, an AP of -1 becomes -2).|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. Bonding Knife Ritual: Description:If you roll a 6 when taking a Morale test for this unit, the test is automatically passed.|Codex: T'au Empire p98,99,102-104,107,111
. Reactive countermeasures: Description:BATTLESUIT model with airbursting fragmentation projector only. Ranged weapons with an Armour Penetration characteristic of -1 or -2 are treated as having an Armour Penetration characteristic of 0 when resolving attacks against a model with this Weapon System.|Psychic Awakening V: The Greater Good p36
. Shield generator: Description:A model with a shield generator has a 4+ invulnerable save. You cannot take this support system on a Riptide battlesuit.|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. Shield generator (Drone): Description:A model with a shield generator has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a D6 each time a DRONE with this ability loses a wound; on a 5+ that Drone does not lose a wound.|Codex: T'au Empire p109
. Sworn Protectors: Description:Roll a D6 each time a friendly CHARACTER loses a wound whilst they are within 3" of this unit. On a 2+, a model from this unit can intercept that hit - the CHARACTER does not lose a wound but this unit suffers a mortal wound.|Codex: T'au Empire p104
. XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit: Description:A model equipped with an XV8-02 Iridium Crisis battlesuit increases its Save characteristic to 2+.|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. Crisis Shas'vre: M:8"|WS:5+|BS:4+|S:5|T:5|W:3|A:3|Ld:8|Save:3+|Codex: T'au Empire p103,104
. MV4 Shield Drone: M:8"|WS:5+|BS:5+|S:3|T:4|W:1|A:1|Ld:6|Save:4+|Codex: T'au Empire p109
. Airbursting fragmentation projector: Range:18"|Type:Assault D6|S:4|AP:0|D:1|Abilities:Blast. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer.|Codex: T'au Empire p121
. Cyclic ion blaster (Overcharge): Range:18"|Type:Assault 3|S:8|AP:-1|D:D3|Abilities:If you roll one or more unmodified hit rolls of 1, the bearer's unit suffers a mortal wound after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved.|Codex: T'au Empire p121
. Cyclic ion blaster (Standard): Range:18"|Type:Assault 3|S:7|AP:-1|D:1|Abilities:-|Codex: T'au Empire p121
XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Fusion blaster [20pts], Fusion collider [5pts], 2x MV5 Stealth Drone [20pts], Shield generator [5pts]
. Categories: Elites, Fly, Faction: , Battlesuit, Jet Pack, Faction: T'au Empire, Monster, XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit, Drone, MV5 Stealth Drone
. Rules: Drone Support, For the Greater Good, Infiltrator, Saviour Protocols
. Abilities: Ghostkeel Electrowarfare Suite, Shield generator, Stealth Field, Unit: MV5 Stealth Drone, XV95 Ghostkeel Shas'vre [1] (6-10+ Wounds Remaining), XV95 Ghostkeel Shas'vre [2] (3-5 Wounds Remaining), XV95 Ghostkeel Shas'vre [3] (1-2 Wounds Remaining), Weapon: Fusion blaster, Fusion collider
. Ghostkeel Electrowarfare Suite: Description:Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for models attacking this model from more than 6" away.|Codex: T'au Empire p105
. Shield generator: Description:A model with a shield generator has a 4+ invulnerable save. You cannot take this support system on a Riptide battlesuit.|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. Stealth Field: Description:Models shooting at a Stealth Drone or an XV95 GHOSTKEEL BATTLESUIT within 3" of any friendly Stealth Drones subtract 1 from their hit rolls. (This is cumulative with the Ghostkeel Electrowarfare Suite ability.)|Codex: T'au Empire p105
. MV5 Stealth Drone: M:12"|WS:5+|BS:5+|S:4|T:4|W:1|A:1|Ld:6|Save:4+|Codex: T'au Empire p105
. XV95 Ghostkeel Shas'vre [1] (6-10+ Wounds Remaining): M:12"|WS:5+|BS:4+|S:6|T:6|W:10|A:3|Ld:8|Save:3+|Codex: T'au Empire p105
. XV95 Ghostkeel Shas'vre [2] (3-5 Wounds Remaining): M:8"|WS:5+|BS:5+|S:6|T:6|W:N/A|A:2|Ld:8|Save:3+|Codex: T'au Empire p105
. XV95 Ghostkeel Shas'vre [3] (1-2 Wounds Remaining): M:4"|WS:5+|BS:5+|S:6|T:6|W:N/A|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+|Codex: T'au Empire p105
. Fusion blaster: Range:18"|Type:Assault 1|S:8|AP:-4|D:D6|Abilities:If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result.|Codex: T'au Empire p121
. Fusion collider: Range:18"|Type:Heavy D3|S:8|AP:-4|D:D6|Abilities:Blast. If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result.|Codex: T'au Empire p121
+ Fast Attack [6 PL, 110pts] +
Pathfinder Team [3 PL, 55pts]
. Categories: Fast Attack, Infantry, Faction: , Faction: T'au Empire, Pathfinder Team
. Rules: Drone Support, For the Greater Good
. Abilities: Bonding Knife Ritual, Vanguard
. 5x Pathfinder [55pts]: 5x Markerlight, 5x Photon grenades, 5x Pulse carbine
. . Rules: Markerlights
. . Unit: Pathfinder, Weapon: Markerlight, Photon grenade, Pulse carbine
. Bonding Knife Ritual: Description:If you roll a 6 when taking a Morale test for this unit, the test is automatically passed.|Codex: T'au Empire p98,99,102-104,107,111
. Vanguard: Description:At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit and any accompanying Drones up to 7". They cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that are able to move at the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first.|Codex: T'au Empire p96, 107
. Pathfinder: M:7"|WS:5+|BS:4+|S:3|T:3|W:1|A:1|Ld:6|Save:5+|Codex: T'au Empire p107
. Markerlight: Range:36"|Type:Heavy 1|S:-|AP:-|D:-|Abilities:See Markerlights (rule).|Codex: T'au Empire p121
. Photon grenade: Range:12"|Type:Grenade D6|S:-|AP:-|D:|Abilities:Blast. This weapon does not inflict any damage. Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for INFANTRY units that have suffered any hits from photon grenades until the end of the turn.|Codex: T'au Empire p121
. Pulse carbine: Range:18"|Type:Assault 2|S:5|AP:0|D:1|Abilities:-|Codex: T'au Empire p122
Pathfinder Team [3 PL, 55pts]
. Categories: Fast Attack, Infantry, Faction: , Faction: T'au Empire, Pathfinder Team
. Rules: Drone Support, For the Greater Good
. Abilities: Bonding Knife Ritual, Vanguard
. 5x Pathfinder [55pts]: 5x Markerlight, 5x Photon grenades, 5x Pulse carbine
. . Rules: Markerlights
. . Unit: Pathfinder, Weapon: Markerlight, Photon grenade, Pulse carbine
. Bonding Knife Ritual: Description:If you roll a 6 when taking a Morale test for this unit, the test is automatically passed.|Codex: T'au Empire p98,99,102-104,107,111
. Vanguard: Description:At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit and any accompanying Drones up to 7". They cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that are able to move at the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first.|Codex: T'au Empire p96, 107
. Pathfinder: M:7"|WS:5+|BS:4+|S:3|T:3|W:1|A:1|Ld:6|Save:5+|Codex: T'au Empire p107
. Markerlight: Range:36"|Type:Heavy 1|S:-|AP:-|D:-|Abilities:See Markerlights (rule).|Codex: T'au Empire p121
. Photon grenade: Range:12"|Type:Grenade D6|S:-|AP:-|D:|Abilities:Blast. This weapon does not inflict any damage. Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for INFANTRY units that have suffered any hits from photon grenades until the end of the turn.|Codex: T'au Empire p121
. Pulse carbine: Range:18"|Type:Assault 2|S:5|AP:0|D:1|Abilities:-|Codex: T'au Empire p122
+ Heavy Support [10 PL, 170pts] +
XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [10 PL, 170pts]: Magna rail rifle
. Categories: Faction: , Battlesuit, Heavy Support, Faction: T'au Empire, XV88 Broadside Battlesuits
. Rules: For the Greater Good
. Abilities: Bonding Knife Ritual, Magna rail rifle, Weapon: Magna rail rifle
. Broadside Shas'ui [5 PL, 85pts]: 2x Smart missile system [10pts], Advanced targeting system [5pts], Heavy rail rifle
. . Abilities: Advanced targeting system, Unit: Broadside Shas'ui, Weapon: Heavy rail rifle, Smart missile system
. Broadside Shas'vre [5 PL, 85pts]: 2x Smart missile system [10pts], Advanced targeting system [5pts], Heavy rail rifle
. . Abilities: Advanced targeting system, Unit: Broadside Shas'vre, Weapon: Heavy rail rifle, Smart missile system
. Advanced targeting system: Description:A model equipped with an advanced targeting system increases the AP characteristic of all of its weapons by 1 (e.g. an AP of 0 becomes -1, an AP of -1 becomes -2).|Codex: T'au Empire p123
. Bonding Knife Ritual: Description:If you roll a 6 when taking a Morale test for this unit, the test is automatically passed.|Codex: T'au Empire p98,99,102-104,107,111
. Magna rail rifle: Description:XV88 BROADSIDE BATTLESUITS unit only. This Weapon System replaces each heavy rail rifle models in this unit are equipped with and has the following profile.|Psychic Awakening V: The Greater Good p37
. Broadside Shas'ui: M:5"|WS:5+|BS:4+|S:5|T:5|W:6|A:2|Ld:7|Save:2+|Codex: T'au Empire p111
. Broadside Shas'vre: M:5"|WS:5+|BS:4+|S:5|T:5|W:6|A:3|Ld:8|Save:2+|Codex: T'au Empire p111
. Heavy rail rifle: Range:60"|Type:Heavy 2|S:8|AP:-4|D:D6|Abilities:For each wound roll of 6+, the target unit suffers a mortal wound in addition to the normal damage.|Codex: T'au Empire p121
. Magna rail rifle: Range:60"|Type:Heavy 2|S:9|AP:-4|D:D6|Abilities:When resolving an attack made with this weapon, a wound roll of 6+ inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage. When resolving an attack made with this weapon, a damage roll of 1 or 2 counts as 3 instead.|Psychic Awakening V: The Greater Good p37
. Smart missile system: Range:30"|Type:Heavy 4|S:5|AP:0|D:1|Abilities:This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer. Units attacked by this weapon do not gain any bonus to their saving throws for being in cover.|Codex: T'au Empire p122
++ Selection Rules ++
. Drone Support: When a unit is set up on the battlefield, any accompanying DRONE models are set up in unit coherency with it. From that point onwards, the DRONE models are treated as a separate unit. (Codex: T'au Empire)
. For the Greater Good: - Each time an enemy unit declares a charge against this unit, this unit can fire Overwatch before the charge roll is made.
- While a friendly unit with this ability is within 6" of this unit, each time an enemy unit declares a charge against this unit, that friendly unit can fire Overwatch before the charge roll is made. If it does so, until the end of the phase, that friendly unit cannot fire Overwatch again. (Codex: T'au Empire p89)
. Infiltrator: During deployment, this unit can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is not within your opponent's deployment zone and is more than 12" from any enemy unit. ()
. Manta Strike: During deployment, you can set up this unit in a Manta hold instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, this unit can use a Manta strike to enter the fray - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models. (Codex: T'au Empire p91-93,103-104,109)
. Markerlights: If a model (other than a VEHICLE) fires a markerlight, it cannot fire any other weapons in that phase. When a unit is hit by a markerlight, place a counter next to it for the remainder of the phase. The table below describes the benefits T'AU EMPIRE models have when shooting at a unit that has markerlight counters. All benefits are cumulative.
* 1 - You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for T'AU EMPIRE models attacking this unit.
* 2 - Destroyer and seeker missiles fired at this unit use the firing model's Ballistic Skill (and any modifiers) rather than only hitting on a 6.
* 3 - The target unit does not gain any bonus to its saving throws for being in cover.
* 4 - T'AU EMPIRE models attacking this unit do not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons or Advancing and firing Assault weapons.
* 5 or more - Add 1 to hit rolls for T'AU EMPIRE models attacking this unit. (Codex: T'au Empire p123)
. Saviour Protocols: When resolving an attack made against a INFANTRY or BATTLESUIT unit whilst that unit is within 3" of a friendly DRONES unit, if the wound roll is successful, you can roll one D6; on a 2+ that DRONES unit suffers 1 mortal wound and the attack sequence ends. (Codex: T'au Empire pvar)
. Sept Tenets: If your army is Battle-forged, all units in T'AU EMPIRE Detachments gain a Sept Tenet, so long as every unit in that Detachment is from the same sept. The Sept Tenet gained depends upon the sept they are drawn from, as shown on the table on the right. For example, all units in a VIOR'LA Detachment gain the Strike Fast Sept Tenet.
If you have chosen a sept that does not have an associated Sept Tenet, you can choose the tenet that best suits the fighting style and strategies of the warriors that hail from it.
[From Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good] If your chosen sept does not have an associated Sept Tenet in Codex: T'au Empire, you can create its Sept Tenet by selecting two rules from the following list. (Codex: T'au Empire p126)
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