+ PLAYER: Maciej 'Pumba' Guziec KR469
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 12 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 6
+ PRE GAME STRATEGEMS: 2x Promising Pupil [-2CP], 2x Emergency Dispensation [-2CP]
+ WARLORD & TRAIT: Crisis Commander & Exemplar of Mont'ka
No Prisoners: 149
To the Last Units: 2x Crisis Battlesuits, 1x Crisis Bodyguards
Titan Hunter: N/A
Bring it Down: N/A
Assassination: 10
Abhor the Witch: N/A
== Patrol Detachment (Tau Empire – Farsight Enclaves Allied World) (-2CP)
NO SLOT1 Kroot hounds = [1PL, 24pts]
NO SLOT2 Crisis Bodyguards = [13PL, 155pts]
- Crisis Bodyguard Shasvre: 2x Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Target Lock
- Crisis Bodyguard Shasui: 2x Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Target Lock
- Crisis Bodyguard Shasui: 2x Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Target Lock, Iridium suit
HQ1 Commander in Crisis Battlesuit: Airburst Fragmentation Projector, Shield Generator, Plasma Rifle, Cyclic ion blaster, 1x Marker Drone, 1x Shield Drone: Prototype System (Novasurge Plasma Rifle), Emergency Dispensation (Onager Gauntlet), WARLORD (Exemplar of Mont'ka) = [7PL, 172pts]
HQ2 Ethereal: Hover drone: RELIC (The Humble Stave), Promising Pupil (Through Boldness, Victory) // Invocations: Sense of Stone, Wisdom of the Guides = [4PL, 65pts]
TR1 Kroot Carnivores: 10x Kroot = [3PL, 60pts]
EL1 Crisis Battlesuits = [21PL, 197pts]
- Crisis Shasvre: Cyclic ion blaster, Plasma rifle, Missile Pod, Shield generator
- Crisis Shasui: Cyclic ion blaster, Plasma rifle, Missile Pod, Shield generator
- Crisis Shasui: Cyclic ion blaster, Plasma rifle, Missile Pod, Shield generator, Iridium Battlesuit
- 1x Shield Drone
EL2 Crisis Battlesuits = [21PL, 363pts]
- Crisis Shasvre: Cyclic ion blaster, 2x Plasma rifle, Shield generator, Iridium Battlesuit, Prototype System (Stim Injectors)
- 3x Crisis Shasui: Cyclic ion blaster, 2x Plasma rifle, Shield generator
- Crisis Shasui: Cyclic ion blaster, 2x Plasma rifle, Shield generator
- 4x Shield Drone
FA1 Vespid Stingwings: Vespid Strain Leader, 5x Vespid Stingwing = [5PL, 72pts]
FA2 Kroot hounds = [1PL, 24pts]
== Patrol Detachment (Tau Empire – Farsight Enclaves Allied World) (0CP)
NO SLOT3 Kroot hounds = [1PL, 24pts]
NO SLOT4 Crisis Bodyguards = [13PL, 197pts]
- Crisis Bodyguard Shasvre: Cyclic ion blaster, 2x Plasma rifle
- Crisis Bodyguard Shasui: Cyclic ion blaster, 2x Plasma rifle
- Crisis Bodyguard Shasui: Cyclic ion blaster, 2x Plasma rifle, Iridium Battlesuit
- 1x Shield Drone
HQ3 Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit: High-output burst cannon, Tau Flamer, Airbursting fragmentation projector, Missile Pod, 1x Shield drone, 1x Marker Drone: Prototype system (Thermoneutronic Projector), Emergency Dispensation (Solid-image Projection Unit), Promising Pupil (Precision of the Hunter) = [9PL, 182pts]
TR3 Kroot Carnivores: 10x Kroot = [3PL, 60pts]
EL3 Crisis Battlesuits = [21PL, 303pts]
- Crisis Shasvre: Tau Flamer, 2x Airbursting fragmentation projector, Target Lock
- 3x Crisis Shasui: Tau Flamer, 2x Airbursting fragmentation projector, Target Lock
- Crisis Shasui: Tau Flamer, 2x Airbursting fragmentation projector, Target Lock Iridium Battlesuit
- 4x Shield Drone
EL4 Stealth Battlesuits: Stealth Shas'vre, 2x Stealth Shas'ui Homing beacon, 1x Marker drone, 1x Shield drone = [9PL, 102pts]