Wiktor Schmidt BY022
Adeptus Custodes +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Player: Wiktor Schmidt
Factions used: Adeptus Custodes
Army Points: 1230
Number of Units / Killpoints: 7
Pre Game Stratagems: 3
Starting Command Points: 10
Warlord & Trait: Trajann Valoris. Army Trait :
Adeptus Custodes Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 55
To the Last Units: Vertus Praetors, Vertus Praetus, Shield captain on dawneagle jetbike/Achilus
Titan Hunter: N/A
Bring it Down: N/A
Assasination: 7
Abhor the Witch: N/A
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ == Shield Host: Emperor Chosen - patrol = 1230 Points ==
HQ: Trajann Valoris [9 PL, 160pts, +1CP]: Warlord, Warlord traits: Champion of the imperium, master of martial strategy
HQ: Shield captain on dawneagle jetbike [10PL, 180pts, -2CP]: salvo launcher, Emperor herores (-1CP): warlord trait: Auric exemplar, Victor of the blood games(-1CP): warlord trait: Superior creation, captain-commander: Tip of the spear, relic: castellan’s mark, misericordia
TR: Custodian Guard Squad [7PL, 140pts]: 1xcustodians with sword and shield 2xcustodians with guardian spear and misericordia
EL: [9PL, 180pts -1CP]: 1xContemptor Achillus DREADNOUGHT 2XTwin adrathic destructor , ETERNAL PENITENT (-1CP)
FA: Vertus Praetor [12PL, 255pts]: 3xVertus praetor with salvo launcher and misericordia
FA: Vertus Praetor [12PL, 255pts]: 3xVertus praetor with salvo launcher and misericordia