herbert bachmann
Player: Bachmann Herbert
Faction: Tau
119 PL, 7CP, 1,999pts
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (T'au Empire) [56 PL, 12CP, 914pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Detachment Command Cost
Gametype: Matched
Sept Choice: Bork'an Sept
+ No Force Org Slot +
Crisis Bodyguards [15 PL, 208pts]
. Crisis Bodyguard Shas'ui: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Shield Generator
. Crisis Bodyguard Shas'ui: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Velocity Tracker
. Crisis Bodyguard Shas'vre: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Iridium battlesuit, Target Lock
. 2x Gun Drone: 4x Pulse Carbine
. 2x Marker Drone: 2x Markerlight
. Shield Drone
Commander in Crisis Battlesuit [9 PL, 175pts]: 1. Precision of the Hunter, Cyclic Ion Blaster, Iridium battlesuit, Onager Gauntlet, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator, T'au Flamer, Thermoneutronic Projector, Warlord
. 2x Marker Drone: 2x Markerlight
+ Troops +
Kroot Carnivores [3 PL, 60pts]
. 10x Kroot: 10x Kroot Rifle, 10x Quill Grenades
+ Elites +
Crisis Battlesuits [20 PL, 295pts]
. Crisis Shas'ui: Burst Cannon, Early Warning Override, T'au Flamer, T'au Flamer
. Crisis Shas'ui: Burst Cannon, Counterfire Defence System, T'au Flamer, T'au Flamer
. Crisis Shas'ui: Burst Cannon, Iridium battlesuit, T'au Flamer, T'au Flamer, Target Lock
. Crisis Shas'ui: Burst Cannon, Shield Generator, T'au Flamer, T'au Flamer
. Crisis Shas'vre: Burst Cannon, Shield Generator, T'au Flamer, T'au Flamer
. Gun Drone
. Marker Drone
. Shield Drone
Stealth Battlesuits [5 PL, 96pts]: Homing Beacon
. 2x Gun Drone: 4x Pulse Carbine
. 2x Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon: 2x Burst Cannon
. Stealth Shas'vre: Burst Cannon
+ Fast Attack +
Tetras [4 PL, 80pts]
. 2x Tetra Scout Speeder: 2x Markerlight, 4x Pulse Rifle
++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (T'au Empire) [63 PL, -5CP, 1,085pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]
Sept Choice: Bork'an Sept
+ Stratagems +
Stratagem: Emergency Dispensation [-2CP]: 2x Additional Relics
+ HQ +
Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit [9 PL, -1CP, 185pts]: (Bork'an): Overdrive Power Systems, (Bork'an): Seeker of Perfection, Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Burst Cannon, DW-02 Advanced Burst Cannon, High-output Burst Cannon, Stratagem: Promising Pupil
. 2x Marker Drone: 2x Markerlight
Ethereal [5 PL, 85pts]: 2. Sense of Stone, 3. Zephyr's Grace, Hover Drone, The Humble Stave
. 2x Marker Drone: 2x Markerlight
+ Troops +
Kroot Carnivores [3 PL, 60pts]
. 10x Kroot: 10x Kroot Rifle, 10x Quill Grenades
Kroot Carnivores [3 PL, 60pts]
. 10x Kroot: 10x Kroot Rifle, 10x Quill Grenades
+ Elites +
Crisis Battlesuits [20 PL, 340pts]
. Crisis Shas'ui: Cyclic Ion Blaster, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator
. Crisis Shas'ui: Cyclic Ion Blaster, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator
. Crisis Shas'ui: Cyclic Ion Blaster, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator
. Crisis Shas'ui: Cyclic Ion Blaster, Iridium battlesuit, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Velocity Tracker
. Crisis Shas'vre: Cyclic Ion Blaster, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator
. Gun Drone
. 2x Marker Drone: 2x Markerlight
. Shield Drone
Crisis Battlesuits [20 PL, 295pts]
. Crisis Shas'ui: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Cyclic Ion Blaster, Iridium battlesuit, Plasma Rifle, Velocity Tracker
. Crisis Shas'ui: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Burst Cannon, Counterfire Defence System, Plasma Rifle
. Crisis Shas'ui: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Burst Cannon, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator
. Crisis Shas'ui: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Burst Cannon, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator
. Crisis Shas'vre: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Cyclic Ion Blaster, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator
. Gun Drone
. 2x Marker Drone: 2x Markerlight
. Shield Drone
+ Fast Attack +
Vespid Stingwings [3 PL, 60pts]
. 4x Vespid Stingwing: 4x Neutron Blaster, 4x Stingwing Claws
. Vespid Strain Leader
++ Total: [119 PL, 7CP, 1,999pts] ++
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