Fabian-Andreas Blessing
Player #: Fabian-Andreas Blessing
Team:40k Trolls 2
Factions Used:Tyranids
Army of Renown: Crusher Stampede
Army Points:2000
Reinforcement Points:0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 11
Pre Game Stratagems:1xBounty of the Hive Fleet[1CP]/ 1xProgeny of the Hive/1x Stratagem: Alpha Leader-Beast[1CP]
Starting Command Points: 9CP
Warlord & Trait:Hive Tyrant:Adaptive Physiology/ Alpha Leader-Beast:Strategic Adaptation
Army Trait:
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 27 wunden (2 Points)
To the Last Units:Dimacheron/Swarmlord/Scythed Hierodule
Titan Hunter:0 points
Bring it Down: 19 Points
Assasination: 10 Points
Abhor the Witch: 11 Point
== Tyranids – Leviathan – Battalion
Type = -0CP, [104PL, 2000pts] ==
Chapter Tactic/Order Conviction/Hive Fleet Adaptations:
HQ1:Hive Tyrant [155pts]: Adrenal Glands[5pts], Monstrous Boneswords[20pts], Monstrous Rending Claws, 2.Aggressive Surge, 3.Infused Energies, Prehensile Pincer Tail, Relic: Synaptic Hive Blades, Toxin Sacs[5pts], Wings[30pts],Adaptive Physiology: Murderous Size= Monstrous Boneswords [11 PL, 215pts]
HQ2:Hive Tyrant [155pts]: Warlord, Alpha Leader-Beast:Strategic Adaptation[-1CP],Adrenal Glands[5pts], 5.Paroxysm, 3.The Horror, Prehensile Pincer Tail, Relic: Biomorphic Carapace, 2x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms[40pts], Wings[30pts] [11 PL, -1CP, 230pts]
HQ3:The Swarmlord [240pts]: Bone Sabres, 2.Catalyst, 4.Onslaught, Prehensile Pincer Tail [12 PL, 240pts]
TR1:3xTyranid Warriors [51pts]: 6x Scything Talons [4 PL, 51pts]
TR2:3xTyranid Warriors [51pts]: Adrenal Glands[3pts], Synaptic Link: Bioweapon Bond[15pts], 3xLash Whip and Bonesword[9pts], 3xScything Talons [5 PL, 78pts]
TR3:3xTyranid Warriors [51pts]: Adrenal Glands[3pts], Synaptic Link: Bioweapon Bond[15pts], 3xBoneswords[9pts], 3xDeathspitter[18pts] [5 PL, 96pts]
EL1:Haruspex [155pts]: Grasping Tongue, Ravenous Maw, Shovelling Claws Adaptive Physiology: Murderous Size= Ravenous Maw [8 PL, 155pts]
EL2:Maleceptor [170pts]: Massive Scything Talons, 1.Synaptic Barrier, Synaptic Link: Focal Essence[15pts] [10 PL, 185pts]
FA:Dimachaeron [280pts]: Massive Scything Sickle-talons, Scything Tail [14 PL, 280pts]
HS1:Scythed Hierodule [235pts]: Bio-acid Spray, 2x Hierodule Scything Talons [12 PL, 235pts]
HS2:Scythed Hierodule [235pts]: Bio-acid Spray, 2x Hierodule Scything Talons [12 PL, 235pts]