Patrick Koch
Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin
- Enclave: Dhom-Hain
- Mortal Realm: Ghur
- Grand Strategy: The Creeping Gloomtide
- Triumphs: Bloodthirsty
Akhelian King (250)*
- General
- Bladed Polearm
- Command Trait: Unstoppable Fury
- Artefact: Armour of the Cythai
- Mount Trait: Voidchill Darkness
Akhelian Thrallmaster (110)*
Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers (115)*
20 x Namarti Thralls (260)*
- Reinforced x 1
20 x Namarti Thralls (260)*
- Reinforced x 1
20 x Namarti Reavers (340)*
- Reinforced x 1
1 x Akhelian Allopexes (165)*
- Retarius Net Launcher
Akhelian Leviadon (500)*
- Mount Trait: Ancient
*Battle Regiment
Total: 2000 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 101
Drops: 1