Raf Ischi
+ Player #8959: Rafael “Raf” Ischi
+ Team: Buccaneers B
+ Army Main Faction: Aeldari - Asuryani
+ Army points: 1999pts
+ Number of Units / Killpoints: 18
+ Reinforcement points: 1
+ Starting Command points: 12 – 3 (outrider det) = 9
+ Warlord & Trait: Eldrad Ulthran – Fate Reader
Secondary Objectives Information:
Assassinate VPs: 4x3 + 1 = 13pts
To the Last: Eldrad Ulthran, Night Spinner, Night Spinner
Titan Hunter: N/A
No Prisoners: 58 wounds -> 5pts.
Bring it Down: 5x2 + 1 = 11pts
Abhor the witch: 3x3 = 9pts
== ASURYANI DETACHMENT 1: <Ulthwë> Patrol [1130pts – 59PL]
HQ1 - Warlord: Eldrad Ulthran [145pts – 8PL], fate reader / Smite, Guide, Will of Asuryan, Fortune
HQ2: Jain Zar [140pts – 7PL]
TROOP1: 5 Rangers (65), wireweaver net (5) [70pts – 4 PL]
ELITE1: 5 Howling Banshees (90), piercing strikes (15), mirrorswords (0) [105pts – 4 PL]
ELITE2: 5 Striking Scorpions (85), crushing blows (15), biting blade (5) [105pts – 4PL]
FA1: 5 Windriders (100), 5 scatter lasers (25) [125pts – 8PL]
HEAVY SUPPORT1: Night Spinner (140), crystal targeting matrix (10) [150pts – 8PL]
HEAVY SUPPORT2: Night Spinner (140), crystal targeting matrix (10) [150pts – 8PL]
TRANSPORT 1: Wave Serpent (140), twin scatter lasers (0), twin shuriken catapult (0) [140pts –8PL]
== ASURYANI DETACHMENT2: <Ulthwë> Outrider detachment (-3CP) [869pts – 52PL]
HQ3: Farseer Skyrunner [120pts – 6PL], Relic: Ghosthelm of Alishazier / Smite, Doom, Executioner, Fateful Divergence
No slot: Warlock Skyrunner [35pts – 3PL], Smite, Protect/Jinx
ELITE3: 6 Dire Avengers (72), exarch with additional avenger shuriken catapult (0), stand firm (10) [82pts – 6PL]
ELITE4: 6 Dire Avengers (72), exarch with additional avenger shuriken catapult (0) [72pts – 6PL]
FA2: 5 Warp Spiders (100), Surprise Assault (15), exarch with additional death spinner (0) [115pts – 5PL]
FA3: 5 Warp Spiders (100), Web of Deceit (15), exarch with additional death spinner (0) [115pts – 5PL]
FA4: 1 Vyper (40), scatter laser (0)[40pts – 3PL]
HEAVY SUPPORT3: Falcon (140), scatterlaser (0), shuriken cannon (5) [145pts – 9PL]
HEAVY SUPPORT4: Falcon (140), scatterlaser (0), shuriken cannon (5) [145pts – 9PL]
End of list.