Medinceanu Paul-Catalin
Player #: Paul Catalin Medinceanu
Team: Teamisoara
Factions Used: Heretic Astartes, Death Guard, Chaos Demons
Army Points: 1895
Reinforcement Points: 105
Number of Units / Killpoints: 15
Pre Game Stratagems: Gifts Of Chaos (1 relic)
Starting Command Points: 8
Warlord & Trait: Chaos Daemon Prince With Wings - Killing Fury
Army Trait: Night Lords - Terror Tactics, Death Guard - Inoxerable Advance
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 33
To the Last Units: Chaos Daemon Prince With Wings, Lord Discordant, Plagueburst Crawler
Titan Hunter: 0
Bring it Down: 12
Assasination: 13
Abhor the Witch:6
== Heretic Astartes – Night Lords – Battalion = 0CP, [50PL, 930pts] ==
Legion Trait - Terror Tactics
HQ: Daemon Prince With Wings [10PL, 195pts]: Mark of Nurgle, Hellforged Sword, Warlord Trait - Killing Fury, Relic - Talons of the Night Terror, Psychic Power - Warptime
HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker [10PL, 195pts]: Mark of Nurgle, Autocannon, Relic (Gift of chaos 1cp) -Scourging Chains
TR: Chaos Space Marines [4PL, 60pts]: Mark of Nurgle, 4xMarine with Bolter
.Champion with Chainsword and Bolt Pistol
TR: Chaos Space Marines [4PL, 60pts]: Mark of Nurgle, 4xMarine with Bolter
.Champion with Chainsword and Bolt Pistol
TR: Chaos Space Marines [4PL, 60pts]: Mark of Nurgle, 4xMarine with Bolter,
.Champion with Chainsword and Bolt Pistol
FA: Warp Talons [6PL, 120pts]: Mark Of Nurgle, 6xWarp Talons
FA: Warp Talons [6PL, 120pts]: Mark Of Nurgle, 6xWarp Talons
FA: Warp Talons [6PL, 120pts]: Mark Of Nurgle, 6xWarp Talons
== Death Guard – The Inoxerable – Spearhead Detachment = -3CP, [50PL, 965pts] ==
HQ: Death Guard Daemon Prince [8PL, 150pts]: Daemonic Axe, Psychic Power - Miasma of Pestilence
EL: Tallyman [4PL, 70pts]
FA: Foetid Bloat-Drone [7PL, 135pts]: Fleshmower
FA: Myphitic Blight-Haulers [7PL, 130pts]: 1xMyphitic Blighthauler
HS:Plagueburst Crawler [8PL,160 pts]: 2xEntropy Cannon, Heavy Slugger
HS:Plagueburst Crawler [8PL,160 pts]: 2xEntropy Cannon, Heavy Slugger
HS:Plagueburst Crawler [8PL,160 pts]: 2xEntropy Cannon, Heavy Slugger