Kevin Waldkircher
Player: Kevin Waldkircher
Team: Carinthian Conquerors
Faction Used: Adeptus Custodes
Army Points: 2000
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units/ Killpoints: 13
Pre Game Stratagems:
Open the Vaults – Shield-Captain in Allarus Armour (-1)
Open the Vaults – Vexilus Praetor (-1)
The Emperors Heroes – Shield-Captain in Allareus Armour (-1)
The Emperors Heroes – Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (-1)
Victor of the Blood Games – Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (-1)
Starting Command Points: 12+1-1-1-1-1-1=8
Warlord & Traits: Trajan Valoris – Master of Material Strategy & Champion of the Imperium
Army Trait: Matial Kathar
Secondary Objectives:
No Prisoners: 8 (79 HP)
To the Last Units: Vertus Praetors, Vertus Praetors, Shield-Captain auf Dawneagle Jetbike
Titan Hunter: 0
Bring it Down: 1
Assasination: 13
Abhor the Witch: 0
= Adeptus Custodes – Battalion Detatchment = 94 PL; 2000 Points ==
Shadow Keepers
HQ: Trajan Valoris (160 Pts); WARLORD, Master of Material Strategy & Champion of the Imperium
HQ: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (180 Pts); Salvo Launcher; Misercordia; UPGRADE: Tip of the Spear; Misercordia; WL Trait: Superior Creation, Lockwarden (Shadowkeepers), Relic: Stasis Oubilete
HQ: Shield-Captain in Allarus Armour (125 Pts) ; Misercordia; UPGRADE: Unstappable Destroyer; WL Trait: Impregnable Mind; Relic Pretorian Plate.
Troop: 3 x Custodes Guard (135 Pts); 3 x Guardian Spear; 3 x Misercordia
Troop: 3 x Custodes Guard (145 Pts); 1 x Guardian Spear; 2 x Sentinel Blade & Praesidium Shield 3 x Misercordia
Troop: 3 x Custodes Guard (150 Pts); 3 x Sentinel Blade & Praesidium Shield; 3 x Misercordia
Troop: 5 x Prosecutors (60 Pts)
Elite: Vexilus Praetor (105 Pts);Castelans Mark; 1 x Castelans Axe; Vexila Magnifica, Misercordia
Elite: 3 x Allarus Custodes (180 Pts); 3 x Castelan Axe, 3 x Misercordia
Elite: Contemptor-Achilles Dreadnought (180 Pts); 2 x Twin Adrathic Destructor, Achillus Dreadspear
Fast Attack: 3 x Vertus Praetors (255 Pts); 3 x Salvo Launcher; 3 Misercordia,
Fast Attack: 3 x Vertus Praetors (255 Pts); 3 x Salvo Launcher; 3 Misercordia,
Fast Attack: 5 x Witch Seakers (70 Pts)