GD001 Jakub Vladdi Podruczny
Patrol Behemoth 2 add. relics, 2 add. traits -4cp
HQ1: Flyrant Adrenal Glands, M. Bonesword, Lash Whip, Relic: Reaper of Obliterax, Trait: Adaptive Biology Powers: Horror, Scream 205
HQ2: Neurotrope Warlord, RelicL Resonance Barb, Trait: Synaptix Tendrils Powers: Catalyst, Onslaught, Paroxysm 100
TR1: 3 Warriors 3 Death Spitters, 3 Duals Boneswords 75
FA1: 3 Raveners 3 Death Spitters, 2 x Scything Talons 90
FA2: 3 Raveners 3 Death Spitters, 2 x Scything Talons 90
EL1: Maleceptor, Psychic Scream, Neuroparasite 170
EL2: Maleceptor, Psychic Scream, Neuroparasite 170
HS1: 3 x Biovore 135
Flyer1: Harpy, Strang Cannons 160
No slot: 3 Tyrant Guards, Rending Claws, 2 Scything talons 120
Patrol Behemoth -2CP
HQ1: Flyrant 2 x Talons, Adrenal Glands, Relic: Maw-claws of Thyrax, Trait: Monstrous Hunger Powers: Paroxysm, Nauroparasite 205
TR: 3 Warriors 3 Death Spitters, 3 Duals Boneswords 75
FA3: 1 Mawlock, Biostatic Rattle 125
FA4: 3 Raveners 3 Death Spitters, 2 x Scything Talons 90
EL3: 1 Pyrovore 30
Flyer1: Harpy, Strang Cannons 160
12cp - 2 trait - 2 relics -2 Patrol = 6