Andrej Talajic Ulverbite
=== The Last Argument of Kings ===
The Spires - 1995/2000
Ulverbite Spires tournament list
Biomancer [215]: Select as Warlord, Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Fleshcarver, Ablative Flesh, Grant Virulence, Unstable Enhancement
- Force-Grown Drones (5) [150]
- Abomination (1) [135]
Lineage Highborne [180]: Pheromantic Override
- Avatara (5) [295]: Leader, Standard Bearer
High Clone Executor [85]: Double Time
- Vanguard Clones (6) [370]: Ward Preceptor, Leader, Standard Bearer
- Vanguard Clone Infiltrators (3) [195]: Leader
High Clone Executor [85]: Double Time
- Force-Grown Drones (3) [90]
- Vanguard Clone Infiltrators (3) [195]: Leader
Characters: 4
Light Regiments: 4
Medium Regiments: 2
Heavy Regiments: 1