RZ008 Kruker
PLAYER: Kruker RZ008
Factions used: Tyranids
Command Points: 12-1-1=10
Total cost: 1750 pts, 98 PL
Reinforcement Points: none pts
== Behemoth Battalion Detachment == 0 CP, 1750 pts, 98 PL
- Hive Predator (-1 CP)
- Rarefied Enhancements (-1 CP)
No Force Org Slot:
Tyrant Guard: 3xTyrant Guard (Scything) (Two Rending Claws, Two Scything Talons) [120 pts, 8 PL]
HQ1: Winged Hive Tyrant: Tyrant Talons, Prehensile Pincer Tail, Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword, Relic: The Reaper of Obilterax, Adrenal Glands, Power: Onslaught, Power: Paroxysm, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Adaptive Biology, Toxin Sacs [210 pts, 11 PL]
HQ2: Neurothrope: Warlord Trait: Direct Guidance, Relic: Resonance Barb (Power: Paroxysm), Power: Catalyst, Power: Onslaught [100 pts, 5 PL]
TR1: Tyranid Warriors: 3xTyranid Warrior (Dual Boneswords, Deathspitter) [75 pts, 4 PL]
TR2: Tyranid Warriors: 3xTyranid Warrior (2xTwo Scything Talons) [75 pts, 4 PL]
TR3: Hormagaunts: 10xHormagaunt (Hormagaunt Talons) [80 pts, 4 PL]
EL1: Maleceptor: Massive Scything Talons, Power: Neuroparasite, Power: Psychic Scream [170 pts, 9 PL]
FA1: Raveners: 4xRavener (Ravener Claws, Two Rending Claws) [120 pts, 8 PL]
HS1: Biovores: 3xBiovore (Spore Mine Launcher, Chitin-barbed Fists) [135 pts, 9 PL]
HS2: Exocrine: Bio-plasmic Cannon, Powerful Limbs, Adaptive Physiology: Voracious Ammunition [185 pts, 10 PL]
HS3: Screamer-Killers: Screamer-Killer (Bio-plasmic Scream, Screamer-killer Talons, Adrenal Glands, Spore Cysts, Adaptive Physiology: Hardened Biology), Screamer-Killer (Bio-plasmic Scream, Screamer-killer Talons, Adrenal Glands, Spore Cysts) [295 pts, 15 PL]
FL1: Harpy: Scything Wings, Stinger Salvoes, 2xStranglethorn Cannon, Adaptive Physiology: Dermic Symbiosis [185 pts, 11 PL]