Sébastien "vandir" Debons
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP "The Coven of Twelve" ++
HQ1: Drazhar (145) - Warlord trait: Hatred Eternal [145pts / 8PL] [WARLORD]
TR1: 10 Wracks (8x10) - 2 Ossefactors (10) Acothyst Electrocorrosive whip (5), Hexrifle (5) - [100pts / 6PL]
TR2: 10 Wracks (8x10) - 2 Ossefactors (10) Acothyst Electrocorrosive whip (5), Hexrifle (5) - [100pts / 6PL]
EL1: 5 Grotesques (5x35) - [175pts / 10PL]
EL2: 5 Grotesques (5x35) - [175pts / 10PL]
HS1: 3 Talos (300), 3 Ichor injectors (0), 3 Talos gauntled (15), 3 Heat lance (0) [18PL - 315pts]
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP "Cult of Strike" ++
HQ2: Master Succubus (80+15) - Show Stealer, Relic: The Triptych Whip, [-1CP Tolered ambition Warlord trait: Competitive Edge - [95pts / 5PL] [Random drugs]
TR4: 5 Wracks (40) [3PL – 40pts]
FA1: 6 reavers (120), 2 heat lance (20), 2 gravtalon (10) [7PL – 150pts] [Random drugs]
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP "Kabal of the Black Heart ++
HQ3: Master Archon (70+15) - Splinter Genius, Venom blade [-1CP Tolered ambition Warlord trait: Ancient Evil][-1CP Prize of Dark city : Animus Vitae][85pts / 5PL]
TR5: 10 Kabalites Trueborn (11x10) dark lance (15), 2 blasters (2x10), blaster pistol (5) - [150pts / 8PL]
HS2: 1 Ravager (130) - [130pts / 8PL]
HS3: 1 Ravager (130) - [130pts / 8PL]
Transport1: Raider (95), Dark lance (10) [6PL – 105pts]
Transport2: Raider (95), Dark lance (10) [6PL – 105pts]