Pino Pogorevc
Player: Pino Pogorevc
Team: Wargaming Slovenia
Faction Used: T'au empire
Army points: 1993
Reinforcement points: 7
Number of Units/Killpoints: 15
Pre Game Stratagems:
Warlord Trait (1CP ): Commander Farsight
Relic (1CP ): Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit
Promising Pupil (1CP ): Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit
Promising Pupil (1CP ): Cadre Fireblade
Starting Command Points: 2
Warlord and trait: Commander Farsight, Exemplar of Montka
Army Trait: Philosophies of war
Secondary Objectives Informations:
Bring it Down: 12 VP
Assasination: 7 VP
No Prisoners: 7 VP - 67Wounds
Abhor the Witch: N/A
=T'au empire - Battalion = 0 CP [103 PL, 1998pts] = Farsight Enclave =
HQ1: Commander Farsight [ 130pts,-1CP ]: Warlord trait (-1CP): Exemplar of Mont'ka
HQ2: Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit [190pts, -2CP]: Promising Pupil (-1CP): Precision of the hunter, Relic (-1CP): Be'gel Hunter's plate, High-output Burst cannon, 2x Plasma rifle, T'au flamer, Prototype System: Thermoneutronic Projector, 2x Marker Drone
HQ3: Cadre fireblade [70pts, -1CP]: Promising Pupil (-1CP): Exemplar of Kauyun, 2x Marker Drone
TR1: Kroot carnivores[60pts]: 10x Kroot
TR2: Strike team[80pts]: Pulse rifle
TR3: Strike team[80pts]: Pulse rifle
EL1:Crisis Batttlesuits[445pts]: Crisis Shas'vre: Cyclic Ion Blaster, Fusion blaster, Plasma Rifle, Iridium battlesuit, shield generator, Prototype System: Stimm injector
4x Crisis Shas'ui: Cyclic Ion Blaster, Fusion blaster, Plasma Rifle, Target lock,
4x Shield Drone, 1x Marker drone
FA1: Kroot Hounds[24pts]: 4x Kroot Hound
FA2: Kroot Hounds[24pts]: 4x Kroot Hound
HS1: Hammerhead Gunship[155pts]: 2x Accelerator Burst Cannon, Railgun
HS2: Hammerhead Gunship[155pts]: 2x Accelerator Burst Cannon, Railgun
HS3: Hammerhead Gunship[155pts]: 2x Accelerator Burst Cannon, Railgun
FL1: Sun shark Bomber[165pts]: Missile pod
FL2: Sun shark Bomber[165pts]: Missile pod
DT1: Devilfish[95pts]: 2x Gun Drone