PLAYER: Maciej "Ranthenerix" Hałapacz WR311
Factions used: Genestealer Cults
Command Points: 12-1-1-2=8
Total cost: 2000 pts, 99 PL
Reinforcement Points: none
No Prisoners: 70 (8pts)
To the Last Units: Purestrain Genestealers, Patriarch, Neophytes/Rockgrinder
Titan Hunter: 0
Bring it Down: 12
Assassination: 19
Abhor the Witch: 6
Myriad Cult (Impassioned (3), Industrial Affinity (1)) Battalion (0CP)
- Gene-sire's Gifts (-2 CP)
HQ1: Primus: Exacting Planner [95 pts, 5 PL]
HQ2: Patriarch [140 pts, 7 PL] Power: Mass Hypnosis, Power: Psionic Blast, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Biomorph Adaptation
TR1: Acolyte Hybrids: Acolyte Leader (Lash Whip), 4x Acolyte Hybrid 2x Heavy Rock Cutter [65 pts, 3 PL]
TR2: Acolyte Hybrids: Acolyte Leader (Lash Whip), 4x Acolyte Hybrid 2x Heavy Rock Cutter [65 pts, 3 PL]
TR3: Acolyte Hybrids: Acolyte Leader (Lash Whip), 4x Acolyte Hybrid 2x Heavy Rock Cutter: Our Time is Nigh [80 pts, 3 PL]
TR4: Acolyte Hybrids: Acolyte Leader (Lash Whip, Hand Flamer), 4x Acolyte Hybrid 4x Hand Flamer [60 pts, 3 PL]
TR5: Acolyte Hybrids: Acolyte Leader (Lash Whip, Hand Flamer), 4x Acolyte Hybrid 4x Hand Flamer [60 pts, 3 PL]
TR5: Acolyte Hybrids: Acolyte Leader (Lash Whip), 4x Acolyte Hybrid: Lying in Wait [65 pts, 3 PL]
EL1: Kelermorph: Relic: Wyrmtooth Rounds (-1CP) [80 pts, 3 PL]
EL2: Nexos: Relic: Cranial Inlay (-1CP) [50 pts, 3 PL]
EL3: Reductus Saboteur: Relic: Oppresor's Bane [80 pts, 4 PL]
EL4: Purestrain Genestealers x10 [150 pts, 8 PL]
HS1: Goliath Rockgrinder, Heavy Seismic Cannon [110 pts, 6 PL]
HS2: Goliath Rockgrinder, Heavy Seismic Cannon [110 pts, 6 PL]
HS3: Goliath Rockgrinder, Heavy Seismic Cannon [110 pts, 6 PL]
TR1: Goliath Truck [90 pts, 6 PL]
TR2: Goliath Truck [90 pts, 6 PL]
TR3: Goliath Truck [90 pts, 6 PL]
Myriad Cult (Impassioned (3), Industrial Affinity (1)) Patrol (-2CP)
HQ1: Magus: Power: Psychic Stimulous, Power: Might From Beyond [80 pts, 4 PL]
TR1: Neophyte Hybrids: Neophyte Leader, 9x Neophyte Hybrid, 2x Heavy Seismic Cannon, 2x Webber [110 pts, 4 PL]
TR2: Neophyte Hybrids: Neophyte Leader, 9x Neophyte Hybrid, 2x Heavy Seismic Cannon, 2x Webber [110 pts, 4 PL]
TR3: Neophyte Hybrids: Neophyte Leader, 9x Neophyte Hybrid, 2x Heavy Seismic Cannon, 2x Webber [110 pts, 4 PL]