Michael Duff
Player: Michael Duff
Team: Tropic Blunder
Faction: Tyranids
Points: 2000
CP: 2 (2 relics, 2 warlord traits)
Adaptive Trait: +1 to charge
No Prisoners: 147 wounds
Bring it down: 2
Assassinate: 13
Abhor the Witch: 11
Leviathan Battalion
HQ1: Flyrant: Adrenal Glands [WARLORD] - 225
RELIC: Reaper of Obliterax
WARLORD TRAIT: Direct Guidance
Spells: Psychic Scream, Paroxysm
HQ2: Neurothrope - 100
Spells: Onslaught, Catalyst
HQ3: Neurothrope - 100
RELIC: Resonance Barb
Spells: The Horror, Neuroparasite, Psychic Scream
TR1: 9 Warriors: Dual Bonesword, 6x Deathspitters, 3x Venom Cannon, Adrenal Glands, - 300
TR2: 9 Warriors: Dual Bonesword, 6x Deathspitters, 3x Venom Cannon, Adrenal Glands, - 300
TR3: 5 Warriors: Dual Bonesword, Deathspitters, Adrenal Glands, - 165
TR4: 4 Warriors: Dual Bonesword, Deathspitters - 120
EL1: 3 Tyrant Guard: Bone Cleaver and Lash Whips - 120
EL2: 3 Zoanthropes - 150
EL3: 3 Venomthropes - 105
EL4: Deathleaper - 120
WARLORD TRAIT: Alien Cunning
FA1: 3 Raveners: Deathspitters, Rending Claws - 105
FA2: 3 Sky Slasher Swarms - 45
FA3: 3 Sky Slasher Swarms - 45