Conor McMama
Player 2: Conor McNama
Team: Delusions of Mediocrity
Factions used: Orks
Army Points: 1996
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 13
Pre Game Stratagems: Warlord Trait, Big Boss, Shiny Gubbinz
Starting Command Points: 3
Warlord & Trait: Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka – Proper Killy
Army Trait: Goffs
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 58
Bring it Down: 24
Assassination: 10
Abhor the Witch: 0
Delusions of Mediocrity
Conor McNama
== Batallion Detachment ==
Goffs [1696 Points] 3 CP
HQ 1: Makari (50pts) 3PL [50 pts]
HQ 2: Beastboss on Squigosaur (160) 9PL (Shiny Gubbinz: Beasthide Mantle [1CP] Warlord Trait: Ard as nails [1CP]) [160 pts]
Troop 1: 10 Boyz + 1 Nob (8x11=88) Slugga, Choppa and Stikkbombs (11x0) 5PL [88 pts]
Troop 2: 10 Boyz + 1 Nob (8x11=88) Slugga, Choppa and Stikkbombs (11x0) 5PL [88 pts]
Troop 3: 10 Grethcin (4x10=40) Grot Blaster (10x0) 2PL [40 pts]
Elite 1: 4 Meganobz (4x30=120) Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw, Stikkbombs (5x0) 12PL [120 pts]
Fast Attack 1: 4 Stormboyz +1 Nob (5x10=50) Slugga, Choppa and Stikkbombs (5x0) 3PL [50 pts]
Fast Attack 2: 4 Stormboyz +1 Nob (5x10=50) Slugga, Choppa and Stikkbombs (5x0) 3PL [50 pts]
Fast Attack 3: 6 DeffKoptas (5x60=300) Kopta Rokkits, Slugga, Spinnin’ Blades and Stikkbombs (5x0), (Specialist Mob - Boom Boyz) 22PL [300 pts]
Heavy Support 1: 6 Killa Kans (6x35=210) Grotzooka, Kan Klaw (6x0=0) 14PL [210 pts]
Heavy Support 2: 6 Killa Kans (6x35=210) Rokkit Launcher, Kan Klaw (6x15=90) 14PL [300 pts]
Heavy Support 3: 6 Killa Kans (6x35=210) Skorcha, Kan Klaw (6x5=30) 14PL [240 pts]
== Supreme Command Detachment ==
Goffs [300 Points] 0 CP(+3 CP)
HQ 1: Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka (300) 15PL (Warlord Trait: Proper Killy [1CP])