Barry Harvey-Smith
Northern Warlords Elite
Barry Harvey-Smith
Faction: Tyranids – Kraken (Adaptive swapped for Heightened Reflexes)
2000 points
Force Organisation: Battalion Detachment – 2 Command Points
Hive Predator (2x1CP) = 2CP
Rarefield Enhancements (2x1CP) = 2CP
Battalion Detachment
NFOS 1: Broodlord (120)
Smite, Synaptic Lure & Catalyst
NFOS 2: Tyrant Guard (3x40), Lash Whip & Bonecleaver (3x0), Two Rending Claws (3x0) = 120
HQ 1: Winged Hive Tyrant (210), Adrenal Glands (15), Toxin Sacs (5) = 230
Smite, Synaptic Lure, Catalyst & Onslaught
Bio-Artifact – The Reaper of Obilterax
Warlord Trait – Adaptive Biology
HQ 2: Trygon Prime (175), Adrenal Glands (15), Biostatic Rattle (0) = 190
Bio-Artifact – The Maw-claws of Thyrax
Warlord Trait – Heightened Senses
Troop 1: Hormagaunts (10x8) = 80
Troop 2: Tyranid Warriors (3x30), Devourer (3x0), Lash Whip & Bonesword (2x0), Dual Boneswords (0) = 90
Troop 3: Tyranid Warriors (3x30), Deathspitter (2x0), Venom Cannon(5), Two Rending Claws (2x0), Two Scything Talons (0) = 95
Elites 1: Genestealer Brood (5x16), Acid Maw (1x0), Flesh Hooks (1x0) = 80
Elites 2: Genestealer Brood (5x16), Acid Maw (1x0), Flesh Hooks (1x0) = 80
Elites 3: Zoanthrope Brood (3x50)
Smite, Synaptic Lure & Psychic Scream
Fast 1: Trygon (145), Adrenal Glands (15), Biostatic Rattle (0) = 160
Heavy 1: Exocrine (200)
Heavy 2: Exocrine (200)
Heavy 3: Tyrannofex (170), Acid Spray (20), Adrenal Glands (10), Toxin Sacs (5) = 205