Name: Isaac Wright
Army: Chaos Daemon
Points: 1990
Command Points: 0
Supreme Command Detachment-
Abaddon the Despoiler - 300 points
[WARLORD] -1CP for trait(s)
Battalion Detachment
HQ1- Keeper of Secrets - 230 points
Exalted Keeper of Secrets (-1CP)
P- Hysterical Frenzy
P- Delightful Agonies
HQ2- Keeper of Secrets - 230 points
Exalted Keeper of Secrets (-1CP)
P- Hysterical Frenzy
P- Cacophonic Choir
HQ3- Keeper of Secrets - 230 points
Exalted Keeper of Secrets (-1CP)
P- Hysterical Frenzy
P- Pavane of Slaanesh
TROOPS1- Daemonettes - 80 points
10 models, instrument
TROOPS2- Daemonettes - 80 points
10 models, instrument
TROOPS3- Daemonettes - 80 points
10 models, instrument
FAST ATTACK1- Fiends of Slaanesh - 40 points
1 fiend
FAST ATTACK2- Fiends of Slaanesh - 40 points
1 fiend
Patrol Detachment -2CP
HQ4- Be’lakor - 380 points
P- Penumbral Curse
P- Pall of Despair
HQ5-Shalaxi Helbane - 240 points
P- Hysterical Frenzy
P- Delightful Agonies
TROOPS4- Daemonettes - 70 points
10 models