Marcus Doyle
Marcus Doyle – Urban Cherryz
Faction: Tyranids
Hive Fleet: Leviathan
Adaption: Leviathan Standard
Total Points 2000
Reinforcement Points 0
Total CP 2 (6-2+2-1-1-1-1)
Everyone who casts Psychic Powers knows Smite and Hive Nexus in addition to those listed
==Patrol Detachment==
CP (-2+2-1-1-1-1) -4
HQ 1: Winged Hive Tyrant (210) Monstrous Bonesword and Lash Whip (0) Adrenal glands (15) Warlord Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Adaptive Biology, Relic (-1CP) – Reaper of Obliterax Powers: Psychic Scream, Paroxysm [225pts]
HQ 2: Neurothrope (100) Extra Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Synaptic Tendrils, Extra Relic (-1CP) – Resonance Barb Powers: Catalyst, Neuroparasite and The Horror [100pts]
Troop 1: Tyranid Warriors x 9 (270) Adrenal Glands (15) Dual Boneswords and Death Spitter x6 (0), Dual Boneswords and Venom Cannons x3 (15) [300pts]
Troop 2: Tyranid Warriors x 3 (90) Adrenal Glands (15) Dual Boneswords and Death Spitter x2 (0) Dual Boneswords and Venom Cannons x 1 (5) [110pts]
Troop 3: Gargoyles x 10 (80) Fleshborer x10 (0) [80pts]
Elite 1: Tyrant Guard x3 (120) Rending Claws x3 (0) Scything Talons x3 (0) [120pts]
Elite 2: Zoanthropes x3 (150) Powers: Psychic Scream [150pts]
Fast Attack 1: Sky Slasher Swarm x3 (45) [45pts]
Heavy Support 1: Carnifex x2 (230) Enhanced Senses x2 (20), Crushing Claws x4 (20), Heavy Venom Cannon (20) [290pts]
Heavy Support 2: Biovores x3 (135) [135pts]
Flyer 1: Harpy (175) Heavy Venom Cannon x2 (30) Adaptive Physiology – Dermic Symbiosis (25) [230pts]
Flyer 1: Harpy (175) Heavy Venom Cannon x2 (30) Adaptive Physiology – Synaptic Enhancement (10) [215pts]
Total – 2000pts