Faction: Craftworld Eldar - Ulthwe
Battalion Detachment
CPs 12
Farseer Skyrunner (120), singing spear (5) Powers – Doom, Guide, Fortune - Warlord (Fate Reader) , Relic(Ghosthelm of Alishazier) 125
Autarch skyrunner (100) Laser Lance(0) – 100
5 Rangers 65
10 Guardians(90), 1 weapons platform(20) with Shuriken Cannon (20) 110
10 Guardians(90), 1 weapons platform(20) with Shuriken Cannon (20) 110
Dedicated Transport
Wave Serpent(140), twin shuriken cannon(0) , Underslung shuriken Catapult(10) 150
4 Warlocks(80) – powers protect/Jinx, Quicken/Restrain 80
10 fire dragons(230) – Exarch has fire pike (10) 240
Fast attack
5 Warp Spiders(100), Exarch has power blades(10) 110
6 Shining Spears(210), Exarch has Star Lance(10) 220
Lord of War
WraithKnight(400) 2 Heavy wraith cannons(60), 2 scatter Lasers(10) 470
Crimson Hunter(170), 2Bright Lances(20), Swooping evasion(25) 215
Total 1995