Maciej Crazyman Ptasiński
Player #6: Maciej Ptasiński
Team: Poland
Factions Used: Drukhari
Army Points: 2000
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 20
Pre Game Stratagems: 1x Prizes from the Dark City (-2 CP), 1x Tolerated Ambition (-2 CP), 1x Warlord Trait (-1CP) Relic (-1CP)
Starting Command Points: 2
Warlord & Trait: Drazhar - Hatred Eternal
Army Trait: Power from Pain
No Prisoners: 154 = 17
Bring it Down: 5
Assassination: 10
Abhor the Witch: 0
== Drukhari – Artists of the Flesh – Patrol Detachment = -1CP, [41PL, 635pts] ==
HQ1: Drazhar [8 PL, 145pts]:
-- Warlord trait (-1CP): Hatred Eternal
TR1: 5 Wracks, Acothyst [3 PL, 40pts] <Artists of the Flesh>
TR2: 5 Wracks, Acothyst [3 PL, 40pts] <Artists of the Flesh>
E1: 5 Grotesques [12 PL, 175pts] <Artists of the Flesh>
E2: 5 Grotesques [12 PL, 175pts] <Artists of the Flesh>
FA1: 3x Reavers, Arena Champion [3PL, 60pts] <Cursed Blade>
-- Combat drugs: Hypex
== Drukhari – Cursed Blade – Patrol Detachment = -1CP, [37PL, 745pts] ==
HQ2: Succubus [3 PL, 80pts]: <Cursed Blade>
-- Combat Drug: Adrenalight
-- Relic (-1CP): The Triptych Whip
TR3: 5 Wracks, Acothyst [3 PL, 40pts] <Artists of the Flesh>
F2: 3x Reavers, Arena Champion [3PL, 60pts] <Cursed Blade>
-- Combat drugs: Hypex
FA3: 10x Hellion, Helliarch, [170, 8PL] <Cursed Blade>
-- Combat Drugs: Adrenalight
EL3: 5x Incubi, Klaivex with Demiklaves [90, 4PL]
Transport1: Venom [75, 4PL] <Cursed Blade>
Transport2: Raider,[115,6PL] Splinter racks <Cursed Blade>
Transport3: Raider,[115,6PL] Splinter racks <Cursed Blade>
== Drukhari – Artists of the Flesh – Patrol Detachment = -2CP, [34PL, 620pts] ==
HQ3: Archon [4 PL, 75pts]: <Black Heart>
-- Husk blade
-- Prizes from the Dark City(-1CP):The Animus Vitae
-- Tolerated Ambition(-1CP): Ancient Evil
TR4: 5 Wracks, Acothyst [3 PL, 40pts] <Artists of the Flesh>
TR5: 10x Corsairs Voidreavers, Voidreaver Felarch [135, 6PL] 2x blaster, 1x wraithcannon
TR6: 10x Corsairs Voidreavers,Voidreaver Felarch [135, 6PL] 2x blaster, 1x Wraithcannon
El4: 5 Grotesques [12 PL, 175pts] <Artists of the Flesh>
FA5: 3x Reavers, Arena Champion [3PL, 60pts] <Cursed Blade>
-- Combat drugs: Hypex