Aaron Mosquera
Kraken, Adaptive (100PL, 2000pts, 1CP)
Patrol Detachment
HQ: Winged Hive Tyrant, Adrenal Glands, Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword, Onslaught, Psychic Scream, The Reaper of Obilterax, Toxin Sacs, Adaptive Biology
TR: 10x Gargoyles
TR: 3x Tyranid Warrior, Deathspitter, Venom Cannon, Dual Boneswords, Flesh Hooks
EL: 3x Venomthropes
FA: 5x Raveners, Deathspitter, Rending Claws
FA: 5x Raveners, Deathspitter, Rending Claws
Patrol Detachment
NFO: 3x Tyrant Guard, Two Scything Talons
HQ: Neurothrope , Catalyst,Onslaught
HQ: The Swarmlord , Neuroparasite, Paroxysm, Warlord
TR: 3x Tyranid Warrior, Deathspitter, Dual Boneswords, Flesh Hooks
EL: 3x Pyrovores
EL: 3x Pyrovores
FA: Parasite of Mortrex, Alien Cunning
FA: 4x Raveners, Deathspitter, Rending Claws
DT: Tyrannocyte , 5x Deathspitter, Synaptic Enhancement